Shared Rumors!

Jesse Grabowski

SHort list due to the nature of the event!!

Rumor Sheets Alliance LARP Denver

September Event 2016

These rumor sheets are to be viewed in private by you and not shared with other players. However, in discussion, feel free to mention anything you may have heard in your travels in between games. Just don’t pass your sheet to a friend and vice versa. Also, don’t ask, “Hey Deathbringer Joe, what does your rumor sheet say?” Play these completely in game. There are usually several different sheets floating around at each event. Some rumors are true; some are hearsay and from rumor mongers; some are total lies. Enjoy!

Have you heard! A member of the Blackhand was seen talking friendly to a convicted necromancer!

That Dryad that came from the “First Forrest” was no Dryad! That was a dragon in disguise!

The town guard is always recruiting! Ask the sheriff how to join! They offer free training, equipment, and safety!

Don’t go wandering in small numbers. I hear there are still vampires nearby and they’re hungry too!

Spinners are creepy black balls of shadow in humanoid form that record and show us history of the past and what is to be. They keep complaining that our history is not on the “right path.” Weirdos.

Why are there still Dryads that are upset about their annex? Didn’t they get the piece of land they wanted?

Did you hear that Baroness Elavir gave aid to a people across the Mist a year ago? I heard it pissed off some undead who came to our lands to hunt her down. Yikes.

My scout friend said she saw a unicorn in the oldest parts of the forest near the keep. I haven't heard of one around here in living memory.

I heard that the Baron of Warchester is wielding a necromantic weapon and no one seems to care!

Did you hear that there are several commoner teams entering this year? Pride and Glory, Mud and Blood, and Fame and Fortune! Look for them on the field tomorrow!

I heard the Tribe of Thou was seen in the area. Wonder what they’re doing way down here in Tiatar?

A member of the Vigilant was seen in the tavern last night. Wonder what he was up to!

The ringmaster in New Acarthia is such a nice fellow. He loves games and giving out prizes. I hear he has a new game in store for us! Goblin Death match!

Have you seen those weird shimmers lately? One even seemed to be a window to someplace… somewhen?

Tiatar throws the best parties! They should host everything all the time!

If you’re looking for knowledge and information, seek out any of the Loremasters.

Interested in a career in the military? Seek out Lt Reginald if you want to join the ducal army.

The healers guild is always recruiting. If you know first aid or healing arts, you should inquire within. Don’t mind the dryad there, she’s actually friendly, despite her appearance.

No, it’s true! The Blackhands were talking with a knight like old comrades!

There are many inconsistencies in the time stream. Wonder what will become of us if it ever “fixes” itself.

Has anyone found the source of the vampires that plagued Tiatar previously?

Why hasn’t Elavir bonded yet with her stone? Is she worthy? Who cares. Let’s party!