Sheild Measurements


Just wanted to know the measurements of a good teardrop/norman style shield (with max size of course).

Math makes sense but the shape wouldn't look that much like a norman sheild. It would look really fat. I guesse I wasn't thinking about the 36" longest dimension issue. Anyways thanks for the help.

You have about 17"sq to play with, but, yeah, the 36" max dimension is going to limit your ability to tweak, unless you want less than max size. You could finagle it to be proportionally correct, but then you'll get less coverage.
Keep in mind to cut whatever will be the "body" of the shield (plywood, pink insulation foam, etc) smaller then that, so when you add the pipe foam around the edges it won't be over size.
I always prefered the knights kite shield or the round shields. Like the vikings used or in LOTR. :twisted:
LordArtimus said:
I always prefered the knights kite shield or the round shields. Like the vikings used or in LOTR. :twisted:

Vikings in LotR? IF you mean Rohan they're Anglo Saxon really. I will admit they are descended from the same northern stock, though.
There's an "or" in there Engler.
That's what I get for reading too fast. :mrgreen: