

I know this may sound crazy.. but remember when shields were worn properly back in the day? You know back before everyone now walks around with Gundam sideways shields?

Can we go back to those days? Am I the only one that thinks the sideways shields look stupid?

This could just be a rant...
Sideways? huh? I thought you held it out in front of you from the center, y'know, the way you're s'posed to.
He's talking about the way people like Mike and Ali hold shields. It's not really a WC style, more of an EC thing.
I am biased on this subject, but I come from a distinctly different fighting background. Ultimately I think the best way to hold a shield is the way that prevents you from getting hit.
If you actually described what you were talking about, it might make it easier on everyone else.
KyleSchmelz said:
If you actually described what you were talking about, it might make it easier on everyone else.
I'm replying to essentially say this. I am completely lost as to what "sideways" is. Are you talking about how you hold it while fighting or while standing around?
Imagine a shield shaped somewhat like an elongated kite or coffin with a bottom edge a foot wide or less. Those are usually what we call them, "kite shield" or "coffin shield." Instead of putting the straps on the back so your arm is across the shorter dimension, you put the straps so the arm goes down the longer dimension.

They're usually made of lighter materials, like corrugated plastic and camp/exersize mat, so they're extremely light. They move fast, and because what you've essentially done is made your non-sword arm longer, so you can sweep it down the body to actively block shots rather than just getting something in the way of a swing, like with a punch or traditional shield.

It often results in the bottom point of the shield being across your sword-arm shoulder, with your sword down below it, able to hit your opponent in the legs where they can't get a less mobile shield to block in time. It looks silly when someone squares up, until you realize that they can hit ankle-knee-hip-shoulder-shoulder-hip-knee-ankle around their opponent's body and if the opponent is unused to the style and hasn't learned to compensate, he or she has probably been killed by a rogue in a face to face fight in under 90 seconds.

The best thing about those shields is that they're ambidextrous, which has made lefties I know (who hate punch shields) light up like Christmas trees when they find one in an NPC camp.
IppyDip said:
I know this may sound crazy.. but remember when shields were worn properly back in the day? You know back before everyone now walks around with Gundam sideways shields?

Can we go back to those days? Am I the only one that thinks the sideways shields look stupid?

This could just be a rant...

First thing... :P

Ok now that I got that out of my system, I started to rock my shield "sideways" when using wood shields as it was less strain on my arm. I found it easier to hold my arm at a downward angle all weekend as opposed to having my arm held out and across.
Ah ha, I see what you mean now. I don't personally have a problem with them, it's entirely up to the preference of the person using them. :D
The bottom line when it comes to shaped shields is that when you stretch a dimension to offer coverage in one area, you create openings in another. Can you still block most shots? Sure. You just move from enjoying a more passive defense to a more active one. If you have the skill level to keep up, then rock your heart out. It's not for everyone, just like anything else when it comes to foam fighting. Go with what works for you.
I'm really against telling people how to use a prop unless it somehow relates to a safety issue.
I gotta say I am apposed to limiting creativity in a game all about being all that you can't be. The boffer "arms race" only goes so far within the rules and its pretty much reached it's peak. Some styles work for some people, some don't. Some people like fantasy styles that wouldn't work in real life and some folks use wooden shields and platemail. It's all okay. :thumbsup:

I find it inflammatory to say someone's fighting style/accessory choice "looks stupid". It's rather insulting and detrimental to allowing people to play the game they want to play. Sure you can hate that style (trust me I have some styles that peeve me) and there's nothing wrong with opening a dialog but when we already walk around with a large portion of the world thinking we "look stupid" when we LARP saying it to each other isn't conducive to building community and can be hurtful.
The OP is referring to this style of shield. It involves a much more active style of fighting. I personally love it. I play a straight fighter and it allows me to be rogueish when needed. It's a smaller shield with a lot more maneuverability. Much more of a buckler style of fighting while staying within the confines of the shield rules.

Draven said:
I'm really against telling people how to use a prop unless it somehow relates to a safety issue.


evi1r0n said:
I gotta say I am apposed to limiting creativity in a game all about being all that you can't be. The boffer "arms race" only goes so far within the rules and its pretty much reached it's peak. Some styles work for some people, some don't. Some people like fantasy styles that wouldn't work in real life and some folks use wooden shields and platemail. It's all okay. :thumbsup:

I find it inflammatory to say someone's fighting style/accessory choice "looks stupid". It's rather insulting and detrimental to allowing people to play the game they want to play. Sure you can hate that style (trust me I have some styles that peeve me) and there's nothing wrong with opening a dialog but when we already walk around with a large portion of the world thinking we "look stupid" when we LARP saying it to each other isn't conducive to building community and can be hurtful.

I like all of this.

To me, it's a fantasy game, not historical reenactment. Being upset by how a person holds their shield falls into the same category for me as complaining that some people use Spock ears for their elf and some people use Lodoss War ears for their elf or some MWE costumes have twisted horns and others don't, etc.