Siege Engineers?

Hey All, I wanted to throw a message out there to ask, is there anyone out there who has Craftsman Siege Engineer? Because I think there is a very good chance if all goes well that me and a friend may be bringing a siege weapon for PC's to the next NH event. :)

(Sean if you read this I'm hoping to bring plans and some projectiles to show you at the CT game in a few days.)

I just thought I'd ask to see if there are other folks who might have the skill/build invested to help operate and work it?
There are people who have Craftsman: Seige Engineer, yes. Don't know if they're going and if they plan on revealing themselves.
Don't listen to David.

This is a dark elven plot to draw out the siege engineers and eliminate his competition!
Or you could be awesome and donate it to Me and we can hurl pillows at you for obscene damage.....please?
Your answer to this should be a resounding "NO."

My friend was thinking about doing just that... But then I told him that would suc... So now he's going to be a siege engineer. :D

But seriously, we need at least 2 people to operate this thing with SE, anyone else out there?
I am the friend that David is talking about, and I second his call. For a MWE, it's only 1 build, and 2 otherwise.
As far as donating it, Gary... I may lend it to you if you need it for something, or at a future event if I'm there solo, I could lend it away, but I'm thinking of making it a part of my character - we'll see how it works out. I'm building a catapult right now, but I have plans drawn up for a ballista as well. If I have time/energy/$$ I may build that as well, and that could possible be donated. Or I could just make another catapult (all this is assuming the first one works :D).
Regardless, I hope for some serious ***-kickery at the coming event.

Mendacity said:
I am the friend that David is talking about, and I second his call. For a MWE, it's only 1 build, and 2 otherwise.

This just made me realize that, for 4 levels of build someone can hurl 80's all day long as well as rake in 4 gold per day. If your siege engine gets destroyed, it essentially would cost 1 gold to replace it -- you could have a whole bay of catapults and ballistae on-hand if you stocked up.

A three-person team could wheel around the siege engine and a wheelbarrow of boulders, and obliterate entire waves of incoming enemies. Gross.
4 person team to move the catapult, and you technically need 2 people per boulder. But yea, with coordination you could do some serious situational damage. :)

It would also be amazing for a situation where we need to break apart any NPC defensive line...

Yea MWE Siege Engineer secondary anyone?
Shane said:
Mendacity said:
I am the friend that David is talking about, and I second his call. For a MWE, it's only 1 build, and 2 otherwise.

This just made me realize that, for 4 levels of build someone can hurl 80's all day long as well as rake in 4 gold per day. If your siege engine gets destroyed, it essentially would cost 1 gold to replace it -- you could have a whole bay of catapults and ballistae on-hand if you stocked up.

A three-person team could wheel around the siege engine and a wheelbarrow of boulders, and obliterate entire waves of incoming enemies. Gross.

It's is similar to using traps, and probably equally difficult to pull off.

I'll believe that this is uber effective when I see it, until then, I remain a little skeptical.
Deadlands said:
It's is similar to using traps, and probably equally difficult to pull off.

I'll believe that this is uber effective when I see it, until then, I remain a little skeptical.

Yea, I think it would/will be more fun than devastatingly effective. But like traps it could probably have its moment, siege of the fortress at Kingston anyone? :)
well there might be anouther MWE with some skill in engenering. unfortunatly i will not be at event this mounth, so cant help you this time

shucks... thanks for letting me know however. :)
Shane said:
Flyaway Bird said:
Shane said:

Is that the plural of "ballista"? Sweet. I thought it was "ballistas" -- super lame.

That it is, my dear. I am such a freaking word nerd.

Word nerds represent. One year of pointless Latin just so I could dechiper root words yaaaaay.
Word nerds represent. One year of pointless Latin just so I could dechiper root words yaaaaay.

To say nothing of lending a touch of class to your words and quotes. Take, for example:

semper in excretio, solumn profundo variat

sounds a whole lot better than "always in sh%t, only the depth changes" :)
Unfortunately the siege Engine wont' be ready for this event. Sorry to disappoint folks. Still working on it though. Armor came first. ;)