Sites and Events Update

Ryan S

**Update 08-19-2020**
The September event is cancelled due to our site not hosting any groups for the remainder of the year. We are holding off on a decision for our final event until closer to the actual event date.

**Update 07-05-2020**
We are monitoring the situation based on the Minnesota Department of Health, and have decided to cancel the August event due to the ongoing COVID situation. We will keep you updated as we get closer to our final two events of the year.

**Update 09-20-2020**
With the ongoing situation being largely unchanged, we have cancelled the final events of this year.


Due to the current COVID-19 crisis, our first three events are cancelled for this year. The sites have chosen to close down until the end of July, and so we are suspending until that time as well. We will keep you updated as things progress.

In the meantime, the Alliance owners have decided to allow players to blanket events that get cancelled. This means that the May, June, and July events that have been cancelled will be able to blanket after those dates have passed. To help out players who don't have huge caches of Goblin Stamps, we're offering a 10:1 ratio for Goblin Stamps for the specific purpose of blanketing these events, or covering monthly blankets for the coming months. This means that for $6 you can get credit for one of these events that you miss, and for $3 you can get additional coverage from monthly blankets. Anyone who wants to take advantage of this offer should send money through PayPal to

As an additional site change, we have changed the scheduled weekend for September. Gamehaven quoted us a much higher price for this year, and we decided that it was better for the game to take a different weekend at a more favorable site. The event will now take place on September 4th-6th at Lockslea.

Everyone stay safe, and as more information becomes available we will keep you updated. We look forward to seeing you all later this year!
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yes, thank you for the advanced update, though i think it is still a bummer for we can not get together for some fun and mayhem.
I just thought of a question.. how does one find out how many goblin stamps one has, is it on your character sheet??

David Raatz
can we donate more and still get the 10:1?
just had a thought.. in regards to the magic items we had in 2019, would they expire in 2020 if they were set to do so or would they carry over into next year??

David Raatz
My assumption with the switch to 2.0 and Magic Items now being total logistics periods used you should be fine.
Items wont expire unless used. Components that expire 2020 were increased to now expire same date 2021.
Though if you still have magic items with expiration dates still, you should work with your local logistics team to get them converted to 2.0.
Any updates on the September game? My heart says "Let's go!!" but my head says "Stranger Danger" . . . so I'll follow Roxette's lead and listen to my heart. There's nothing else I can do.

~Your friendly neighborhood husky