Skill Store Items For Sale


Good morning, folk of Calliphestus and beyond;

I have been asked to broker two magical items for sale. These are somewhat similar and are as follows:

Multi-stranded Necklace (Must be worn appropriately) – Skill Store Evade 1/Ever, Skill Store Shatter 1/Ever, Skill Store Stun Limb 1/Ever, Skill Store Assassinate 1/Ever, Skill Store Terminate 1/Ever

Metal Bracelet – Skill Store Stun Limb 3/Ever, Skill Store Assassinate 1/Ever, Skill Store Disarm 1/Ever

I do not have the precise values of the Assassinates, but I believe they are somewhere in the range of two Dragon's Breaths worth of punch.

For those who are unaware, these items will not expire until their powers are used since they are "times ever" items. They would provide a potent punch to anyone who needs to get out of a tight spot. Stun Limbs especially are potent tools to deal with powerful foes either as pure offense or when you need to slow someone down and get away. All of the attacks must be delivered properly via a weapon blow (some will only target a foe's vital areas from behind) though any of them can of course be delivered via an arrow or bolt for the archers in our midst.

Please contact me if you have interest in making an offer on one or both of the items.

Thank you,
Polare Lissenstine
Lord of the Kingdom of Andar
Lord Polare,

Do these items travel effectively?

Lord Polare,

Would you be willing to sell thru the myst? I am interested in these items but, I would have to send a courier. And as such I would not want to impeed anyone locally from their purchase.

Thank you,
Lady Liddia FallingStar

Greetings, Lady FallingStar!

It is always good to hear from you. Yes, I am happy to deal with couriers through the mists. The current high bid is 15 gold; I will accept bids until 3 days pass with no new bids. Please let me know if you would be interested in bidding more than 15 for either item.

Many thanks,
Lord Polare Lissenstine

I have been unfortunately distracted for the last week and have not kept information up to date. Due to this I will not close the auctions for a further week, as I would not want my scandalous lack of communication to impact anyone's ability to bid.

The necklace currently has a bid of 18 gold.

The bracelet currently has a bid of 15 gold.

Many thanks for your time,
Lord Polare Lissenstine