Skyn fram Vættfang


The fog clears and you see yourself in a field where there are weapons strewn about, some sticking out of the ground. There are suits of armor lying in the grass, empty and rusted. Battered and torn banners with unrecognizable sigils are seen scattered throughout this ancient battlefield. Snow falls from the overcast sky, but when it lands it turns dark like ash and sinks into the earth. The clearing is large and disappears into a dense fog. The clangs and screams of battle can be heard echoing through the fog, but the sounds feel a lifetime away. There is a presence next to you. Kjeld is standing at your side. He speaks in a foreign tongue, but his words have meaning in the dream.

"War has been a part of this world for as long as we've had ancestors. It's been a part of the natural order since we first carved our spears and stood shoulder to shoulder as others did the same across the field. It's older than memory."

Kjeld takes Tule from his shoulder and drives the blade into the ground.

"It's been with us so long that war isn't even about survival for most anymore. It's a game for some. For the honorable warrior it's an art and just like any painter each has their own style."

A wolf standing as tall as Kjeld's waist comes to his side, his fur the same colors as the ones Kjeld wears around his shoulders.

"It's an art we should all learn in order to protect the things important to us. Some of us know how to hold the brush, but the strokes are without style. Unrefined. I'm opening a school in Brimmswatch to give others a place to perfect this art."

"The Skyn fram Vættfang, the "school of battle". I ask any of you that would be interested in attending this school or helping me teach others to better themselves in the art of battle to make themselves known. If we all learn together, if we train together, we can paint a picture that no one can ignore."
Kjeld, you are one of the many whom welcomed me into Brimm's Watch. For this I am appreciative. Your skill of battle, watching yourself handle yourself on the field of battle, I have been awed by your skill and I am very happy to see yourself trying to gather warriors together to learn from each other.

I am from lands far across the mists, a land steeped in martial tradition. Many of the people of my land were trained in one of five fighting schools as they come of age. Myself and my brother were trained in the Tath method and have since opened a fighting school in New Acarthia, much like what you are attempting to do in Brimm's Watch. I'd be honored not only attend your school and learn from yourself, but also I am willing to offer up my services as a teacher if needed.

If you plan on having a session in a months time, I may be available to travel across the mists to see you then.

By my hand,
Squire Kendrick Eisenhal of Rivervale

History of Tath
The Talkers, intellectual and precise. While Thorsson Tath was the head instructor of the Helltai Fighter School in Halcyon, he began to find his opinions diverging from those of his teacher, mentor, and friend, Sigurd Helltai. Tath favored a more observational, intellectual approach to fighting, and many have opines since that it was Thorsson's slighter stature and lack of pure muscular physicality that lead to this difference. Tath broke away from the Helltai schools in vy521 and took, as his emblem, the White Tiger from his homeland in the Valengaard forests. Tath fighters do a lot of talking and analyzing, and believe strongly in terminology and shared concepts of fighting. Their famed "fight three times, talk once" format lasts to this day. Many Tath fighters surrender the power and aggression of the Helltai method for a "sniping" style built on accuracy, knowledge of an opponent, and instinct informed by prior thought. The Tath schools had a much flatter structure than Helltai, with the knot system being used for personal motivation and sign of accomplishment, rather than as a formal ranking. Teachers were encouraged to listen to the analysis and discussion of students, rather than lead those discussions. The school developed a number of formalized "battle-games" to encourage students to constantly fight and practice, but has little emphasis on formal dueling or one-to-one combat outside the learning environment.

Principles of Tath
Fights should be pure. No malice, no politics, no deception other than what the fight creates.
Fight to your fullest. Do not disrespect your opponent with patronization, or by the choices you make.
Fight clean and fight with dignity.
Seek out fighters that are better and challenge them.
Do not disrespect those who have not yet achieved the same skill as long as they try and willingly challenge their betters too.
Teach, even your opponents.
Fight. Test yourself and learn from the testing.
Lemme know if ya need 'nother hand on the drill field. There's nay a weapon I've no wielded.

Thank you to those who have taken interest in Skyn fram Vættfang.

Squire Kendrick, I would be honored to learn more of the ways of Tath. I'm certain others would be interested as well and you are most certainly welcome to come share your views on these principles at the class. You are also more than welcome to come join us in sessions. I look forward to the next time we meet.

Nekos, your expertise would certainly be appreciated, both in weapons training and in casting of The Fold within combat. Feel free to bring your fighting spirit to session and any other spirits you wish to bring to celebrate a hard days training around the campfire.

I'm hoping to open the doors to Skyn fram Vættfang by our next gather. If any more are interested please let me know either here or in private. This will be a place where all can train in their various roles of combat, whether that be martial, magical or otherwise.

Kjeld son of Bjarn
niðr Jardhilgr Roedha
Keeper of Numbers