Slavers Attack!


Slavers have been attacking Mystic Wood Elf villages this week. They have been merciless. They seem to be targeting mystics and I don't know why. Please help!

Artell Wildfire (Mystic Wood Elf in hiding)
What villages have been attacked so far? Has word been sent to the king yet? Do these attackers apear to be Dwarven? Stay calm Artell, if there are others with you or neer to you, gather together and head for a non-mystic village. If you feel you must stay close to your village do not take action that could put your life at risk. Help is on its way!

Lady Gwen! If you are dreaming please inform Sir.Garoth of these things. I leave to aid at once.

Flint Gravewild
Where was the aracks at anddo you know what kind of force's they were ? I am willing to do all i can to help you in any way possable.Send me word on any information you can on the attack. I will do all i can to make those who did this pay dearly.
I am now safe in Faldric Forest, but I have lost many of my friends and family to the slavers. We have been setting up defenses against future attacks, but so far it seems like they got what they came for. The only thing I heard the slavers say is, "Get as many as you can. Thunderhammer is paying well for these guys." I assume he means mystic wood elves.

Artell Wildfire
That sounds horrible! I'm gonna come try to help out too. Um, I haven't heard from Miss Whitetail though... I know her farm is near the forest and if anyone knows if she's OK I'd really like to know...

-Tarqaq the (worried) Fox
I will do all i can to find this Thunderhammer and stop the slavers attack on your home.I will talkto Baron Garith and the King and see what can be done.If there is something I can do for youmyself...let me know and i willdo what i can.
Stripe said:
That sounds horrible! I'm gonna come try to help out too. Um, I haven't heard from Miss Whitetail though... I know her farm is near the forest and if anyone knows if she's OK I'd really like to know...

-Tarqaq the (worried) Fox

Don vorry Tarqaq my friend, I passe by de lady rabbits farm recently an she an de childen are doing fine. Her farm vas on de other side of the Forest vhere de attacks took place.

Maxwell Maximus Maldavia Moore, Healer and Bard at Large
Yay! :)

Thanks Maxwell, I was kinda worried for a bit there.
