Sleepless Nights


Chicago Staff
Seriously! All I want is one day of rest! But oh no Morgan, you can't rest because YOU happen to live on the edge of a swamp. Well I was perfectly fine and sleeping like a log until those witches showed up. Finally, by some dumb luck the attacks stopped. 4 months I got. 4 months of peace and quiet but noooooooooooooooo I couldn't enjoy even half a year. Every day, those damn elementals show up, every day they come, every day they are defeated. It's EXHAUSTING!

I just want it to end. I just want to sleep..WITHOUT my spirit being devoured. If any rookie adventurers care to guard my shack while I get a quick shut eye, that would be FANTASTIC. I'll send one of my servants to Thuddington to escort you.

....oh for crying out LOU

-Morgan Bleu