So...How was the opener?!?!?!

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So I missed the opener..but I would like to know how it whos got Favs and stories??
i would like to know how it went, and read all the stories as well. sleep later :p
I am really tired so I will write a few quotes (as best I can remember them) that I got from players and leave the epic moments to be described by others. I will not mention names but feel free to correct my quote if it is off or identify yourself if you so choose! :eek:D
These things were said to me by players, or I heard from others some of the player comments.

"You have raised the bar of the Alliance",
"I am usually bored by now (said late Fri night), and also try to find things wrong with the game but so far I can't find anything I could fix"
"This is the best game I have been to in the 10 years I have been playing.
"I am so excited I don't want to sleep because I don't want to miss any of the stuff you guys keep putting out"
"If you guys keep doing what your doing, I would make it a point to never miss your game"
"I can't believe all the amazing effects and props you guys have"
"This event will be talked about for a long time"
and finally, my quote..."I have never wanted to play a secondary character, but you guys are making it really hard for me not to want one now"

With that, I am off to sleep....I look forward to reading the other favs!!!
Thank you everyone for making my weekend fantastic! Great friends, Great fun, great story, great gaming....I never had so much fun NPCing.

Lauren Marra
Let me begin my saying this is my recollection of events how they happened to me, its not my favorites I'll put that in another thread. This is only a taste of awesome and while it might be a long read its really a lot of the important stuff over the course of Fri. Sat. Sun.

Friday begins with epicness and this does not stop till closing ceremony Sunday. Why? Pyrotechnics. They're everyones friend and they were done in a way that left everyone who didnt know what was about to happen absolutely stunned. The PCs were unsure how to respond to the signal they were given but once that was done, we charged up the small embankment onto the field and met the enemy head on. After we routed the goblins we drove them back toward the town(this is by no means a small camp, the roads are a work out) and fought them tooth and nail for every inch of ground. Finally they were broken and the town was ours for the most part. Throughout the night towns folk asked us for help finding loved ones and friends, we were attacked by goblins using gureilla tactics to ambush us from the darkness of the surrounding trees. The fighting had spread out widely amongst the camp that if any front had collapsed the chance of help was minimal. So if the fighting got bad at the celestial circle then the folks at the earth circle would have no idea about it due to distance. It was a crazy night which really didnt wind down until about 4-5am for most people...I myself was up till six. You just didnt want to go to sleep. Too big a chance of missing out on the fighting and running to the aid of your new friends.

Saturday rolls around and everyone is just waking up to the next day groggy but not tired. Ready to go out and kick more goblin butt. The job board was without a doubt an amazing idea and whoever thought of it needs a hug from everyone that played this weekend and used it even once. Bored? Have nothing to do? Mod hook took a few people and you werent one of them? Look on the Job Bored, modules posted for groups to do which had a color coded system of potential danger, and the number of players suggested for it. I made use of it several times(more on this in my favorites thread)and so did other people, I cant remember how many modules went out but it was a hell of a lot(the NPcs for this event worked hard and gave such a good preformance and work out for us players that I was glad to nearly die..more on this later.)As the day wears on the goblin queen comes to town and demands to discuss terms of our surrender and her benevolent rule, this ended up becoming a challenge her best four female warriors vs our four best ones. The soccer field was once again the battle ground and we had four amazing one on one fights(adventurers 4, goblins 0).

Whatever the outcome was, was quickly forgotten as the knight rushes in breaking the temp truce as a necromatic spell was thrown. Yet another hard fight which ended up with us fighting a giant ball of doom. Thats right we fought a rolling ball that would flatten or hit you for ten elemental lightning. It was badassery the entire fight. When that was said and done(and everyone was drenched in sweat) we all headed back into town for more job board fun, more PC to PC role play, and the occassional attack from wandering mice, and goblins. One of the Romani had picked up a shield during the fight against the Goblin Queen and at first it was funny as the goblins acknowledged that he was their Queen, then it became serious when the shield itself seemed to possess him to attack his own people and other adventurers. This became another battle which was won after a very long and hard fought back and forth. The night would be capped off by an attack on a goblin weapons factory which made constructs that they had been using to fight us. More pyrotechnics and a warning "If you get to close to it, you'll take damage from the pot, and you may also really set yourself on fire so dont get close" as if to emphasize said point, Tab was throwing damage which increasing got higher and higher and higher...until BOOM! Saturday night was also the chapters first PC based rez. A sad milestone yes but further more excellent roleplaying which took place all around.

Sunday would come fairly quickly, and after a quick breakfast and some more jobs which were done we got down to the final battle. I wish I could relay to everyone how epic this last battle was. How the downpour which started happened in the middle of furious combat as the goblins were forced back from one defensive position to another. One line fell only to have another line replace it. Its not a battle that could be related so much in words, you really had to be there to understand its scope. I can compare it to HQ's May Sunday wave battle but that was only a third of the size and didnt have the same sort of results(not to say that battle wasnt epic, but this one had more sorrow attached to it as well as a joyus result). The PC line was split between two lines, the left flank and right flank, by the end of the fight the right flank had collapsed with bodies strewn across the field, the knight(the head good guy NPC) and three PCs were sent to the earth circle for rezzing. A hard fought battle with a high cost but in the end the objective was achieved. Time will definately tell if the sacrifice was worth it.

Now this is only some of the epicness that happened. If I talk about anything else your computer will die from sheer inability to handle the awesomeness. Chuck Norris will also come to your house and kick you in the face for discovering how awesome it was without being there. The only way to experience this is to come play. If the chapter openner is any sign of how dedicated the staff was, how amazing the NPCs were, how great the PCs were, then the other three events will continue to give this chapter story after story of epic moments.
Battles were intense, the main storyline battles were something you could really get behind, and the battle with the Giant Ball Barring had to of been one of the most amazing battles I've ever been in. (Shield Bash for the MFing Win!)

There was always something to do too. (Having plenty of NPCs to pool from helped, and we thank you for your hard work) with such an amazing experience, and based on the feedback that the staff had been trying to get from us, I can only see this amazing experience getting much better.

The midnight mod after the wave battle on Saturday night was one of the best(quirkiest) roleplay encounter of then event for me.

The "special effects" of getting flooded in the tunnel at the last wave battle couldn't of been timed better even if it was intentional.

I can't wait to see more great things from this chapter.
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