So who's coming to the Jan event?


Who is coming to the January event? =D
It shall be wonderful ^^
I'll be there as Kasuni =3
Don't know if I can go yet I will try to and I don't if I will have enough money to play one of my characters but I realy want to go.
I went to blizzcon and all I got was P0WnZ0r3D!

I'll be up in January.
So will Greg.
Ron and Eric are going to look into gettig time off work to come up as well.
I'll talk to Parrott and Jonno tomorrow.

So, hopefully there are going to be six of us.

At least Greg and I for sure, though... as Walter and Justin.
I should be there for the first night, probably end up as an npc.
Hopefully I will be there. If everything with work works out.
I will be there, and will be staying up for a week or so afterwards. Warlock and Mike are also looking for a way to make it up.
Possibly. Well, yes. *Snigger* I do so enjoy my goth dancing. I'll also do the grab the bat dance and sing voltaire.
Don't know if I will be there or not. Atleast as of now.
I'm planning on it, long as things hold together long enough.
Goth dancing? *ears prick* heh, sounds fun, haven't been dancing in a while myself...
sad sad sad

Shiny quarter, kick the can, grab the bat, contact juggling.

These are the four primary dances that will allow you to identify a kindergoth.

Trust me, Liggy uses none of them, and she is INEBRIGOTH!

Still going, but it looks like a lot of Cali people are going to bail.

Bartender to the drunk and tasteless,
HAHAHAHAHAAH...that's funny, and oh so true... i can think of another one, the "prance prance prance, stalk stalk stalk" but that's kind of a mouthful..

Inebregoth *lol* that rocks..i was just referring to my drunken world as my Inebreality the other day.*heh*
No Hollys. Not this time. Unless of course there are people there claiming to be Hollys, in which case, destroy them.
Amelie Quicksilver said:
No Hollys. Not this time. Unless of course there are people there claiming to be Hollys, in which case, destroy them.

Oh! I'd love to destroy them. In fact, I'd go to great lengths to do so because it's just fun, but, alas, I won't be there to do so. :( It's far too cold for us Californians.

February is a go-go for me though. Here's to hoping Slice's luck goes elsewhere during January...