So wow....

Farah Fawcett must be pissed being upstaged like this...

All kidding aside, Michael gave the world some great music in his time.
To think of how many favorite people died in June:

David Carridine

Ed McMahnon

Farah Fawcett

Michael Jackson

I was shocked to hear that Michael Jackson died. I always loved his music. He will be missed.

Shocking news indeed. My heart goes out to his family. I'm a big fan of Michael, and I was really excited to see him make his comeback, but unfortunately his career, life, and legacy were cut short.

Here's to Michael Jackson, the King of Pop.

I remember a friend of mine in kindergarten bringing in a Thriller LP for show and tell and listening to it on a medium that didn't require a magnet or laser...

That same year I saw Return of the Jedi in the theater...

These are the earliest memories I have, I remember my mother bringing home my little sister in 1985 and me hugging Jasper, the mutt that will forever be the standard by which I judge dogs and whom I'd hoped would not be replaced by the new useless human my mother had brought home. But I can honestly say that the earliest memory I have is of listening to the King of Pop as I glued letters to a sheet of construction paper in alphabetical order so that I could go to recess. This was shortly before I met Walter Mondale on the campaign trail. It's all been downhill from there, and I think Mike will agree. Rest easy, you were a part of my childhood. Unless the rumors were true, in which case... see you soon.