Song ideas?


Hello my friends. I have taken up songwriting in addition to being a botanist and a jeweler. To practice my lyricism I?d like to request a few song topics. I?ve found over the past few days that stories make wonderful lyrics, if the wording is revised. If anyone has a story to tell, one that they would like to share, I would enjoy it if you?d come forth and allow me to write about it.

I would love the opportunity to help people know or remember events. This can be done through song quite well. Happy or sad, I will not hesitate to attempt writing.

Please make me aware of your ideas. If you require a payment, let me know beforehand.


Ask Krieger about his phobia of lighting fixtures... just be ready to hear him swear a lot.

I think that misadventure would make a great song (It's just not my style)

Are you proficient with any instruments other than voice? I seem to have a lot of time on my hands, and I do so love to play and sing.

In service,
I shall ask him about that. Sounds like it would make a funny song.

And I do not know how to play any instruments. All I can do at the moment is sing. Do you have any suggestions of instruments to learn? It might go well with the music if I could play one.

Thank you for the suggestion! I shall find him as soon as I can


I do not know what instruments are traditional to your home, (or to these lands, come to think of it) but I do know that there are variants of a lute in this land, and a harp would go well with singing...

Any stringed instrument will do, woodwinds, brass, and reeded instruments are impossible to play while singing. (In fact, a dear friend lost a contest that way once.)

Come to the meadow and sing with me sometime

I'm considering learning to play the tambourine. It is an intrument wonderful for creating rhythm and easy to play while singing. Now all I must do is obtain one...

And where is this meadow? Which meadow? I'd love to sing with you if we can think of a song in common, or otherwise teach one another songs.

The meadow in town, near the buildings in which people sleep... surely, you've seen me out there practising with wasters. (Wooden swords.)

I know many many many songs. The tradition of my tribe is oral, though we do have a written language. So any knowledge of our history and deeds is passed to the next generation through song primarily, with the greatest epics being recorded on vellum.

Perhaps a duet? I know hundreds. We should see how our vocal ranges compare first, then pick a few songs to practice with, until we have a good idea of each others' style.

A tambourine is a good instrument to start with, it will allow you to learn how to sing while playing with something in your hands; as well as being easily constructed, they are easy to transport, and very difficult to break. (Trolls just don't appreciate good music.) From there, I'd suggest learning an instrument you don't sing at all while you play.

Voices will rarely hold out through the 6-8 hours of singing you'll do if you play an extended engagement, or are summoned by nobility for a feast or wedding... (Though I am not sure that Giorgio weddings are quite *that* opulent)

You'll need to find someone to switch out singing with for at least a song or two, or you'll sing your throat ragged. (I have a friend who permanently damaged his voice in just that fashion.)

In Service,
Oh that meadow! I wasn't sure to which meadow you were reffering. Yes, we must meet there sometime and test the compatibility of our voices.

And I do not know many songs. My song knowledge is, on the most part, restricted to those I have written.

Please let me know when you come to town. It would be most wonderful.

And to everyone else... Does no one else have ideas? I'm sure that there has been at least one wonderful or tragic or just ordinary event in your lives. I would be most appreciative if you would share. I have but one event to write about. I do believe in quality, not quantity, but I also believe that no one is going to want to hear the same song over and over. Thank you =)

most_precious_blood said:
Ask Krieger about his phobia of lighting fixtures... just be ready to hear him swear a lot.

Trystan, do you really wanna open that can of worms... especial since the next time anyone sees him, he'll have just come back from a long, overdue vacation...

Just cruel... Funny, but cruel.

D, you sunuvabird! Come feast with me in the meadow... I have that hobling ravioli you like, and a few bottles of Ruby Port.

As for Krieger, if he's not to be found, I can tell the story... I don't think that the Warduke's honor guard from Brook Glen (I hear tell a tree grows there) in the Dragonlands will be after us anymore. I don't think they are alive anymore, come to think of it.

Ah, those halcyon days of my incredible old age...

Oh, and Kasuni... I can't leave the meadow (Or the town, at least.) I gave my word to the magistrate that I would await his summons.

I would have thought by now you'd have heard of what an evil person I am *chuckle*

Wanderlust or no, I must stay here. I swore an oath to him I would stand trial for what I am accused of.

I would have failed His Grace, Sir Eaddick's trust in me to do otherwise.

So in that respect, I am free whenever you are, including that rarest of all times... sleep.

Maybe we could convince D to play a little tune for us...

Shikar plays as well (and you'd never know it, because he doesn't sing that much, but he has a great voice.)

In Service,