Sound Off

My dad and I will be going now...My mom is going to pick me up...YAY!!! I will be pcing and my dad will be npcing....see you all there...
New Player wanting to NPC

I plan on going and NPC'ing to get a feel for the game
Unfortunaly I will not be able to make it to the game day, mother's day at my grandmother's place so it is family get together time. sorry all.

Can't go. . . homework. . . :( Sorry!!! But good news! I will probably be taking the summer off!


No Cash No Car no way :confused:
OKok... I'm crazy (like y'all didn't know that)

If someone has crash space, I'll do the haul. So, couch? Anyone?
Umm let me talk to Sean and see if he is cool with it.
Ok, a quick heads up. If your going to NPC see if you can come a hair early, as I like to take people out and show them the playing area of the week. Also plant spikes and the such.
As to players Please please please show up on time, and ready to check in.
Aeris said:
hey I am tierd...

thanks for the welcome I have been experiencing a lack of role playing for a while and am excited about this.