South Michigan Player's Guide Story Contest!

John Leino

In order to help new players get introduced to the world our Plot Team has created here at South Michigan Alliance, our Plot Team has decided to create an actual Player's Guide that we will hand out at events.

Along these lines, we wanted to include a story or two written from one of our Players. Obviously, we want this to be an in-game story written from the character who witnessed that specific event. It could be anything, a huge battle, a deep conversation with someone, or even something funny. I know there are some of you out there who could write a novel for this but, please keep this story short.

In order facilitate actually receiving stories from Players (lol), we would like to hold a contest for these stories. Here are the rules:

- One story per PERSON (not character) so, choose your best story!
- All stories must be sent in before or on April 17th, 2015
- Email stories to
- First Place = 500 Gobs & Free Membership for one year
- Second Place = 150 Gobs & Free Membership for one year
- Third Place = 50 Gobs & Free Membership for one year

Winners will be announced at the Season Opener this year. Good luck!

I hope people aren't responding because they're writing away. This will be a chance to make your character immortal with in the pages of our players guide. Well give your character credit as the author of the story.

Anyone have any questions?
What if I don't want my character as having credit for writting it?
ohhh "Written by the Hand of Doombringer Darkblade" he's famous I read about him in the rulebook!
Well put in a good work with the guy, I just made my submittion.
did...did I win?

I sure do like winning....