
So, I really like the idea of Spark. It's super nice for casters to have the constant base damage with having to spend absorbents amount of exp to do damage. Before I bought archery, as an earth caster, I found myself sitting around, watching the battle with no ability to contribute. (Low level means low spells to spend and I am uncomfortable with having a melee weapon) Spark provides an opportunity at a low cost for caster to help right away.

All that being said, I think there needs to be an ability to alter it or maybe increase it's damage. My suggestion? Maybe make some High Magic to help alter it. Kind of like Earth's Harvest but for increasing Spark's damage. I think Celestialist should be alter the element, since they already have a High Magic ability that allows them with normal spells.
I would suggest that Spark be usable with Higher Manifestation.
I may be reading it to it too deeply but is Spark even useable with OoTA as written? Based on my reading I would say no as it is not channeling but that feels wrong.

Oak of the Archmage Passive:
Oak of the Archmage allows a caster to evoke Channeling charges through a Staff instead of a Source. The caster must be proficient in the use of the Staff skill for this ability to be used.

Spark Scholarly Passive Prerequisite: 15 Scholarly XP
Allows a character to throw “2 Normal” using a source. This damage cannot be increased or modified in any way.
Spark is not Channeling and does not interact with Channeling or Channeling related rituals/effects/abilities, other than requiring a source in hand to use.