Special Announcement - General Manager Change


As always the Southern Minnesota staff is constantly looking for new blood to keep our volunteer staff at its best possible mixture. Over the next few months our current hard working Sarah will be working hand in hand with our new GM while she takes up the reigns and helps complete a number of projects that have been in the work for some times.

So I'd like to welcome Alysha Krebs as our new General Manager, and ask that no one inform her of what a horrible decision it was to accept this position ^.^

We'll be reviewing positions for next year as well over the next few months (mostly confirming people still want to do what they've been doing) so if we don't reach out to you and you want to help, let us know!

-Dave G.
Owner/Operator Southern Minnesota.
+1 Gypsy, were taking over, soon, soon....hahhahahahfahahhaah....

Also Dave you need to start running heavy undead plot since gypsies bring undead and all...