

“The recipient of a spellcrafted Ritual must carry the tag throughout the duration of the Ritual. The Ritual ends if the person resurrects (unless the Ritual is of the Spirit Type), the duration expires naturally, the recipient receives a subsequent spellcrafted Ritual, or the spellcrafting tag is lost.” (ARB 2, p 157-8)

I have a few situations for which I want to check my understanding on the bold part of the above passage:

1). Bob casts an earth battle magic circle of power, then spellcrafts a limited circle of power over it. Then Bob spellcrafts an investiture on Sally so she can go in and out as she pleases. Then he casts spirit recall on Sally, which erases the investiture, as per the above bolded passage. Do I have that right?

2). Continuing the above situation, but without Sally. The official target of the limited circle was the battle magic circle, not Bob. But Bob is automatically invested in it. Bob spellcrafts spirit recall on himself. The circle doesn’t get erased (since the target of the previous spellcrafting was the battle magic circle, not Bob). The fact that Bob is automatically invested in the circle also doesn’t disappear, since it is just an added benefit of the existence of the limited circle (whose “official target” was the battle magic circle, not Bob). I’m less confident on this one — do I have it right?

3). Someone spellcrafts Spirit link on Bob with an item in his possession. Since the spirit link scroll explicitly states that the target is both Bob and the item, the spirit recall effect disappears. Right?

4). Bob spellcrafts instant trap onto a trap (which he then gives to Sally), and spellcrafts Monster Slayer onto his sword. Since the targets are not Bob nor Sally, this does not cancel the previous spellcrafts. Correct?
1) The way you’ve written your question, Sally does not lose the cast Spirit Recall. If Bob had spellcrafted the Spirit Recall, it would remove the Investiture.

2) The Investiture effect that is granted by Bob having spellcrafted the Limited Circle, would not be supplanted by the Spirit Recall.

3) The Spirit Link would remove the Spirit Recall.

4) Correct.
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