Spooookkky Death breakup infograph

I sure enjoy thinking about this kind of data. Thanks for sharing it!

Is there any chance you could share the anonymized raw data? Something that just had many rows, with 3 columns:
[class] [race] [deaths]

I would love to play with it... and I don't think it would violate privacy, right?
It’d be neat to see the same but with pre-2.0 deaths removed.
It’d be neat to see the same but with pre-2.0 deaths removed.

I can't imagine the deaths are time-stamped, but I guess I could be wrong.
I sure enjoy thinking about this kind of data. Thanks for sharing it!

Is there any chance you could share the anonymized raw data? Something that just had many rows, with 3 columns:
[class] [race] [deaths]

I would love to play with it... and I don't think it would violate privacy, right?

Let me think on this. I'm worried about two things. Revealing the total number of players in Alliance and setting the precedence that some of this data is available on demand. I'm not sure if they're real concerns.
Let me think on this. I'm worried about two things. Revealing the total number of players in Alliance and setting the precedence that some of this data is available on demand. I'm not sure if they're real concerns.

Thanks, Chris! I appreciate that you will think about it carefully, and that I am asking a volunteer to spend more of their time. Privacy concerns and protecting your own time are both very valid reasons to say "Nope."

It seem unsurprising that the two least death counts by class are the two most "defense" focused classes - Rogue and Adept. Scout, however, would logically be in that same group - and yet it's the class with the most deaths. Curious!
All good points, thanks!

This might be interesting to revisit in a year after 2.0 has been out longer, and looking at 2.0-only deaths to see how it lines up.
Also, levels aren't factored.

I feel like a graph factoring levels, classes, and race could be great.
To clarify: the only inclusion criteria here is any character with >=1 death recorded? Nothing pertaining to having been played in x months or so? If so, would be interesting to see a pre-post 2.0 breakdown to see if the rebalance/changes had an impact on PC deaths.

Thanks for the post!
Finally, I'm above average in something! (Human adept with 3 deaths... 2 of which came pretty recently. Oops)
Yeah we should do post 2.0 deaths, For instance I have 6 deaths and am currently a rogue, most of the deaths come from my decade as a fighter.
Based on these numbers, my Dryad Scholar is sorta screwed o.O