Spooookkky Death breakup infograph

I'm also surprised at artisans having as many deaths as they do.
Thanks, Chris! I appreciate that you will think about it carefully, and that I am asking a volunteer to spend more of their time. Privacy concerns and protecting your own time are both very valid reasons to say "Nope."


Jeff, I'm going to punt on releasing this or any data public for a while. There's a few more requests for different types, grouped by levels and what not. I can't realistically respond to them at all. Between burn out and my limited free time lately I've haven't really been able to move at the pace I'd like w/r/t CMA.

I'm about 5 hours away from releasing a new prereg flow, with magic item registration, and having per day effects added to battle boards. I need to get High magic spending in the CMA. Folks still can't undo some amount of mistakes with purchasing events, and I really need to get scroll generation and printing into the CMA.

I do these things because I think folks enjoy them because they're easy enough to quickly generate here and there during some down time and I think folks like to see some info. The unintended side effect was naturally they'd want more. But, I can't allow it to seriously start eating up my time or I'll never get anything done.
New prereg flow? Chris, thank you very much for the amount of volunteer work you're putting in on that. It is legitimately better than some of the tools I've worked with that people were paid to develop.