Squire Day!


By order of His Grace, Duke Prospero, there will be the first duchy-wide Squire Day starting on the 13th day of the third month!

For those of you not familiar with Squire Day, it is an open call for all those who wish to put their names forward as a squire candidate. Potential candidates must be either citizens, or citizen-eligible, and must be willing to serve under the aegis of the Crown, Realm, and Order. Tests will cover both written, oral, and physical skills and knowledge. Tests will be administered in the Stonehaven area by Squire Raven and will be adjudicated by Knight-Candidate Marcus, the Ducal Magistrate, and whomever else His Grace chooses to assign to this solemn role.

If any are chosen, then they will enter training and evaluation as a squire candidate.

Preliminary applications for entry will be accepted at this month's Faire Day, February 22nd. According to custom, applications for entry may be accepted until noon on the 14th of the third month, of the year 307. Please inquire to His Excellency, Viscount Joren, or to a scribe appointed by same.