Squire's Meeting & Noble's Court

We will be holding our next Squire's Meeting on Saturday, May 3rd, at 10:30 am the Black Stag Tavern. As usual, this is an open discussion of the Code of Chivalry and all are welcome to participate.

Following this meeting, there will be an open Noble's Court for anyone who would like to petition any of the nobles present.

Does anyone have any suggestions for a topic of discussion regarding the Code of Chivalry?

--- Baron Ivan Drake of Blythedale
I would like to continue a conversation started some time ago, and that was about ones own virtues while living by the code, i know quite a few people had some they wanted to share that didn't get a chance to last time we spoke on the topic. I also think teamwork, Courage, and Forgiveness would be some good topics discussed. As they can be applied to all matter of every day living, from war to living peacefully by your neighbor.

-Lt. Ithica, Legion E.
I am uncertain as to whether or not I will be able to attend the meeting. I therefore suggest that the virtue of prudence be brought to the table for discussion, as it is a quality neccesary for all positions of leadership.

Apprentice Ren Suzume
Mages Guild of Fairedale
Lieutenant Ithica, I think your suggestions are excellent. Perhaps as Walgar did at the last Gathering, you could lead the discussion?

Apprentice Ren Suzume, considering "prudence" as one of the noble vitues is another very good topic. I certainly hope you can join the meeting.

--- Baron Ivan Drake of Blythedale
What is prudence?

Prudence is the ability to discipline oneself by the use of reason. It also involves skill and good judgment in the use of resources and caution with regard to danger or risk. Simply put, it is knowing when NOT to do something.

Telokh Amdo
The time to do nothing is only when there is nothing needing done, and that will never be. So i dont think that i understand you.


I'm not sure if you saw this, but when we were in the Naga caves with the dark elves.. and Khorwyn decided it would be a good idea to thrust his sword into the doorway protected by that glyph with Theo and I standing there trying to examine it....

that was a good time for him to have practiced Prudence... We were lucky. make sense? it's when you wait a moment, think about what you are about to do before acting and considering the outcome of your actions and then chosing carefully.

-Wizard Nathan
......thinking is doing something. So is looking and that needed done, so we did it. Am I still not seeing this right?

Prudence is knowing when to act. Prudence is knowing when NOT to act.

Prudence is looking at a situation and choosing the best course of action, one that may not be readily apparent when you first look at the problem. It means not doing something rashly, often times what your first impulse would be. Hmm, an example would be when we were in Southpoint and on the Vacarran ship together. Instead of flat out attacking the glyph you saw there, which would have been ok for you since you could withstand the explosion, you chose to give the non-Vansir a chance to escape the ship before working your plan. This is an example of prudence. It is not acting on your first impulse and considering other options and consequences of your action before proceeding. I hope this helped you some. Maybe it would be better explained in person, which I would be happy to do. I will be in Fairdale in one days time. I hope to see you there.

-Gwendara Alanik
Seneschal of the Stormblades
An addition to my explanation: I think your trouble was in your understanding of Telokh's words. When he said prudence is knowing when NOT to do something. I believe you took this to mean doing nothing. Not doing something does not mean to do nothing. I think he merely meant that it is knowing which action to take in a given circumstance.

-Gwendara Alanik
Seneschal of the Stormblades
So Prudence is thinking befor you do......We should all do Prudence more.

Gwendara is correct in her interpretion of my words. I usually try to be succinct and to the point. Often points are muddled with too many words. In this case more words did indeed help, therefore I was not prudent and will use this as lesson for myself.

Telokh Amdo
Actions also speak louder than any words ever could.........

Words are all we have in this dream realm. Discussion can be enlightening.
I was basically agreeing with what Lt Ithica had stated earlier.... "ones own virtues while living by the code"

One can easily state they follow the code and act in a manner that does not reflect the high standards that The Code mandates.

But to add something noteworthy:

Is a person who does not follow the code a bad person?
For example : If a person is threatening the life of another...am I a bad person for lying to them by telling them I will give them what they want (A crown in this example) if they let their victim go...give him the crown piece .. then gas them down to bring them to justice (and get my crown back)?

There are those who would say that the lie in this case was not necessarily a bad thing, since it resulted in a rescue of an innocent and the apprehension of a criminal. Misdirection and subterfuge, both technically lying, are viable tactics on the battlefield as well.

Then there are those who say that to lie even once is the start of walking down the wrong path. I believe King Gareth had been a proponent of this belief.