

I understand this is short notice, but does anyone have a staff that they would be willing to let me borrow for Chicago, or one they would be willing to sell for a cheap or reasonable price to my character?
As Emilynn says, it'd probably be easier for you to borrow a staff from the Chicago-ers for the event than get a staff from one of us Minnesotans.

However, I have the perfect staff for you, and I have no use for it, considering I am worthless with staff and the person who I made it for discovered that they too are lousy with a staff. I will definitely bring it to the next SoMN you attend(our Chicago car is going to be full of equipment as it is) and you can have it then, and if you want to, you can buy it (we can negotiate a price later).
I will be bringing down my staff anyways...if gandian can get me that staff I will gladly take it down with me.

Let me know Alexander if you want to figure out a way to meet up and give it to me to transport.

If what Brent said happens, and you finish my short sword, could you also give it to him as he and I will most likely get together for a meeting soon anyways. I will also need to talk with you sometime about repay for boffers.
Brent: If you can figure out a way, then maybe we can make that work.

Andrew: I plan on making your sword by the Chicago event, and if I don't manage to get it to Brent before the event, I'm sure I can bring that one to the event (a short sword takes up a lot less carspace than a staff, you know). I was actually going to start building it last night, but I got distracted and didn't.
I would love to take that staff off your hands. I can't afford TOO very much, but use would be awesome. And if you can bring it, awesome. If not, I'll live.
Talked with Ryan today, and the staff will be able to fit in the car. So I wont have to come pick it up, it will just be going down there with you guys Alexander.

Oh. That works. I just figured with the two of us and all that tavern stuff, it wouldn't be able to fit.

Well, you'll have a staff from me for Chicago (and beyond)!
Gandian, I promise to never forcefeed you another potion again. Unless it's a cure.