Star Trek

Robb G

yeah... i'll say it. best film i've seen in years. not only was it the best trek film ever made (wrath of khan can suck it), it was a really good movie that just so happened to be set in the star trek universe. so many have tried and failed to do this - and they all had it easier because they had an existing cast dynamic. JJ Abram had to remake that entire cast and make it believable. he EXCELLED. damn good job sir, i salute you.

also.. if you disagree, you're a poopy-face.

i can't wait to see where they take the movies from here. :geek:
Wow, Rob, I had no idea you were a Trekkie! The Mages Guild just got that much more awesome.

I have not seen the movie yet, I'm taking my mom for mother's day. I cannot wait.
yeah, fan of all of it except voyager. i'd even watch enterprise over voyager... did i mention i don't like voyager?

we got out of the theater and my friends who were in costume (sadly i was not due to money/time issues) attracted some bloggers who interviewed us. I got to rip on rick berman, it was great fun.

you were mistaken though, the mages' guild was already at maximum awesomeness. it's hardly our fault if you've been too busy not showing up to nationally televised season openers to notice.. but.. next weekend i will have an army of vul-uh i mean stone elf wizards to command so all will be right with the world again.

if telokh (sp?) had kept it in his pants and joined our guild, i'd own like 25% of all the stone elves in the alliance... did I say own? I meant, known... yeah...
I liked the film a lot, but I will withhold from calling it the best Trek until my second veiwing with friends with whom I can discus various points of the film. (first veiwing was taking little bro to the movies) I will say tho that as much as liked it I think there were many avenues of character interaction that went unexplored in exchange for more "krik vs spock". Not nessesarly a bad thing, but a bit more variety in the character interations (turbolift scene non withstanding) would have been apprchiated.

PS: Tho I am more of a Star Wars guy, I do love me some Trek, and I have a special place in my heart for technobable and psudoscience. Trust me, you don't want me to get started.
One of the reasons I really wanted to work for Attorney Mark S. Love was not because he was listed as one of the top attorneys in Pennsylvania, and not because he had a great sense of humor (although those things helped) but because he has a model of the Enterprise on his desk, a poster in the office saying "All I Learned I Learned from Star Trek" and one time when we met a girl named Gillian, his first thought was "That was the name of the scientist in Star Trek IV!"

We're trying to find a time where we can go next week...
Robb Graves said:
yeah, fan of all of it except voyager. i'd even watch enterprise over voyager... did i mention i don't like voyager?
Agreed. Voyager can only be acurately described as "teh suck."

Robb Graves said:
next weekend i will have an army of vul-uh i mean stone elf wizards to command so all will be right with the world again.

A blonde human and some stone elves? We need to recruit Sophia Dawn (healer w/ southern accent), a dwarven engineer, a twilight elf swordsman, and a gypsy with an outrageous Russian accent.
So that would make the Biata the Romulans trying to end you all once and for all. I'm down witht hat.
I can see it now.

A battered merchant stumbles into town, his injuries have clearly been made by weaponry. As he breathes his last he catches the ear of a nearby adventurer.

"Help us...attacked by my caravan...its called...Kobayashi Maru!"
I can't wait to see this movie...actually I guess I can because I'm not sure when I'll be able to make it to a movie theater. I only ever watched TNG, which is one of my all time favorite TV shows. Plus the movies, of course. I've heard nothing but good things about the latest movie. Anyone wanna babysit my kids so I can go check it out? :P
Just saw the movie. Holy crap, it was awesome. The ickle kid vulcans were too cute for words. Score was amazing, casting was perfect. The turbolift scene and the relationship that it involved was my only serious complaint. IMO, Spock was too emotional, though I know that was part of the plot. Well, at least I feel better about the times people have made me break character.
All in all, an amazing film. I went into the theatre skeptical and came out thoroughly impressed. Bravo, JJ Abrams.

dreadpiratebill said:
So that would make the Biata the Romulans trying to end you all once and for all. I'm down witht hat.
Sure! But we couldn't call your leader "Nero," he'd have to be "Alliance." :P
I am sooooooo glad someone else said it! Best movie of the year for sure! (mostly because I am pretty sure they are going to mess up GI Joe and I just heard there will be no Unicron in the next Transformers)
I will admit I was a bit apprehensive at first but I dutifully put on my uniform and attended an opening viewing with my crew (don't judge me) and was so glad I did. There is something for everyone. Seeing this flick is worth it for the eye candy alone ;)
i really enjoyed watching this star trek. though i had never really been a fan of the orginal ones with kirk except for the one with tribbles. which the last time i watched it realized one of the klingons is the actor who played g'kar on babylon 5. i enjoyed star trek the next generation.
anyway, i think the move was awsomeness, all the actors did a really good job, and the directing was great, though who could expect less from JJ?
i loved the scene where zachary quinto(who i loved from heroes) practially spat in the face of the council when he said "live long and prosper." he did a really good job as spock i was very happy with the movie all together.

much happier then when i saw wolverine and how they absolutly butchered my favorite mutant, deadpool. i just wanted/want to beat the crap out of the writers. the only power he ever, ever got was a healing factor from wolverine and that was to cure his cancer, but left his mind fractured. i loved the beginning when ryan mouthed off and said things that wade would have said in his comic's, and the katana action was great, even the sneer he gave logan at that village is all what wade would have done. but the end still makes me really really mad. when stryker said "were putting it into the pool." and then logan asked "the pool?" and then stryker said "yes, dead pool." i yelled out "you bastards!" loud enough for the 3 rows sitting near me in the theaters to hear.

but i degress, star trek was awsome.
Robb Graves said:
if telokh (sp?) had kept it in his pants and joined our guild, i'd own like 25% of all the stone elves in the alliance... did I say own? I meant, known... yeah...

Hey, he was race-changed into a Barbarian from a ritual backlash. 100+ years of repressed emotions makes for a horny Stone Elf. At least Vulcans get release every seven years.

For Amelia: Maybe the next Star Trek film could have them land on a planet of ... REPO MEN!!!!!!
Telokh_Amdo said:
For Amelia: Maybe the next Star Trek film could have them land on a planet of ... REPO MEN!!!!!!
Don't worry, Mike. When I am a hollywood director I will definitely make Star Trek: The Space Opera. Zachary Quinto had better be able to sing...

On a different note: when are they going to make DS9 The Movie? It needs to happen.
umm... as much as i would like it personally, the answer is never. the same time as joss whedon will ever make another buffy-verse or firefly tv/movie anything. as sci fans and adults, we need to learn to accept this and move on. good things will still come. we got battlestar... we got the new trek.. there will be other good things too.
Star Trek kicked major butt! I loved the new Twist/Spin that JJ Abrams brought to the movie. I am a BIG Trekkie.. I enjoyed all the series (sorry Robb), I had some issues with Enterprise but I am getting over them.

The cast was perfect........the music was perfect....the story was amazing and it explained itself (why things happenned the way they did) It all made sense!

Yeah we need time to sit and chat about it this weekend! I would enjoy a spirited conversation on the Movie! = )

Amelia and I need to go into Englers mind and change his mind about race change and becoming a healer.....we can do that I think.. HE HE HE

Hey Robb how do you know its not the Stone elves who have a Guildmaster in between the palms of our hands? Hmmmmmmmmm Ha! = P

I loved the Orbital skydive scene.. glad they put it in since they cut it out of Star Trek:Generations (it was supposed to be the opening sequence of the movie after the bottle flying thru space to hit the hull of Enterprise B)

Closing hailling frequencies!

Sym of Moria said:
Amelia and I need to go into Englers mind and change his mind about race change and becoming a healer.....we can do that I think.. HE HE HE

Telokh WAS a Barbarian briefly. He has no intentions of repeating that. He is slowly developing a penchant for fur though.
Saw it last night; it's as good as everyone has said.

My only two (minor) complaints which do not, in any way, reduce my grade of A:

1. Too much hand held camera. I really hate it when the camera jiggles around. I shouldn't be noticing the camera movement. Come on, you spent how many millions on this film and you can't buy a tripod?

2. The ice planet fight with the CGI monsters. Added nothing to the plot, didn't look realistic enough, and made me think of Starship Troopers. Meh.

But the casting was great, and all of the actors did a good job "impersonating" the originals. I mean, you didn't have to introduce them at all. I knew instantly who McCoy and Scotty were, for instance.

And the little touches that referred to the old series were fun: Sulu's skill at fencing, Pike in a wheelchair, Kirk and the green skinned woman, "Dammit, I'm a doctor not a <not-a-doctor>"...
I almost always have to take points away from prequels. I admire the skill with which the script explains why they can now be completely lazy and do whatever they want with the genre. It was a good, nice action and it avoided being campy. Characters felt like characters and not caricatures (like Joss is unable to get away from). Sadly the story seemed kind of thin...but it is a restart so I guess you have to expect that.

Give it a B - B+

I freaking LOVED Star Trek! It's one of my new favorite movies now. It really makes me want to play a Stone Elf. I've seen it twice so far and it got better for me for my second viewing. Such a good movie, best movie of 2009 by far. I think it was the best movie that came out in the last 3 years.