Hello Fellow Adventurers,
I reach out to you and ask for your help. Between market days I with the help of Cass have been working with the military guild to honor Sir Daniels with a Statue. The reason I am reaching out is because the cost of the project is much more than I can financially shoulder. I ask for your help while I was not in these lands long Sir Daniels was a great leader and guide on this path to me. Please help me honor him in a fitting and lasting way. The costs are as follows
Cost of Statue:
6ft stone = 20gp
add 2 ft = x2gp
marble = X2gp
I do have a few things I would be willing to sell in order to help fund this as well. I have a empowered armor with once per day mystic Smith gem thing I got at last market it just needs to be transfered to a suit of armor. I have a selection of components with varying freshness but most are from this year. I have a couple of scrolls as well.
Squire Bruisey Foemangler
I reach out to you and ask for your help. Between market days I with the help of Cass have been working with the military guild to honor Sir Daniels with a Statue. The reason I am reaching out is because the cost of the project is much more than I can financially shoulder. I ask for your help while I was not in these lands long Sir Daniels was a great leader and guide on this path to me. Please help me honor him in a fitting and lasting way. The costs are as follows
Cost of Statue:
6ft stone = 20gp
add 2 ft = x2gp
marble = X2gp
I do have a few things I would be willing to sell in order to help fund this as well. I have a empowered armor with once per day mystic Smith gem thing I got at last market it just needs to be transfered to a suit of armor. I have a selection of components with varying freshness but most are from this year. I have a couple of scrolls as well.
Squire Bruisey Foemangler