Statue for Sir Daniels


Hello Fellow Adventurers,

I reach out to you and ask for your help. Between market days I with the help of Cass have been working with the military guild to honor Sir Daniels with a Statue. The reason I am reaching out is because the cost of the project is much more than I can financially shoulder. I ask for your help while I was not in these lands long Sir Daniels was a great leader and guide on this path to me. Please help me honor him in a fitting and lasting way. The costs are as follows
Cost of Statue:
6ft stone = 20gp
add 2 ft = x2gp
marble = X2gp
I do have a few things I would be willing to sell in order to help fund this as well. I have a empowered armor with once per day mystic Smith gem thing I got at last market it just needs to be transfered to a suit of armor. I have a selection of components with varying freshness but most are from this year. I have a couple of scrolls as well.

Squire Bruisey Foemangler
Updating with more specifics.

Gem is a 1/day Mystic Smith

Sturdy Armor
Empowered Armor 1/day
So if you use them both at the same time you can refit your armor in 3 seconds and then double your armor.
Good for about 20 days of strenuous use.
I have a gift of life scroll
Contact and banish to other plane scroll I have most of the reagents to cast the banish and about half(6) to cast the empowered warrior.
And empower warrior scroll.

Thank you all and any little bit helps.
Hi Squire Bruisey! I'm Silp!

Sorry to hear that Sir Daniels died! I don't really know anythin' about him, but he sounds like he was a good guy!

I'm sure we'll be able to pay for the statue you want without you havin' to sell off everythin' you own! If you get close to what you need and need juuuuuuust a little more, let me know and I can maybe pull together a couple coins to get you all the way there!

~ Silp
Thank you for your scentomint. It means much to me. While I know Warriors die in battle nothing more honorable i's still misses him. I feel it is my responsibility to see did through and I want people's to nose dat I am willing to sell it all to pay for dis. I would love to not haves to.

Squire Bruisey