Stolen Components


NEPA Staff
On the field this last gather, I am knocked out by panthergast. When I wake up, all of my components are gone. No money stolen, no scrolls stolen, no nothing else but strange components for trading with Avarice (many of you play games with him, va? The fey with two face?).

How I know this is foul play? When I wake up, I remember nothing of the fight until I am given purify potion. Then, I remember receiving life spell, but only being awake for a moment until something knock me out again. Somebody try to make me forget this. Why else but for stealing?

I give good money to anyone who know what happen to my components, or anyone who can tell me for certain who do this to me. Is sad, eh? That this thief just run around with good people who are trying to fight for the town, taking the things from them that they earn.
This is shameful indeed, Please know not only myself but most other people will help look for the people responsible. In the meantime I would be happy to give you some components or compensation for your loss. Very sorry this happened to you, and hopefully I will be at the next gathering and do my part in the recovery of your stolen items.

-Squire, Commander Ithica
"Follow me if I advance, Kill me If i retreat, Avenge me if I die"
You are good man, Ithica. These component are different one, though, not the usual one you find. Useless for ritual. Unlucky for thief, only two of them are good for anything but my own trading. Very strange, eh, that someone steal something so useless, unless they have personal matter with me? Only one or two of these people I know (I am nice girl!). And only one can use these stuff. Strange, strange. I give you thanks in advance for help!

Here is list of usually-useless stuff they steal from me:
-4 star-shaped spider web
-1 rose quartz
-1 iridescent nightbloom
-1 intricately sewn pouch
-1 pile of skeletal dust
-3 living plant droppings (yes, droppings. Why this person steal spracta gunoi if they are just regular person who not need to trade with fey?)
-1 lump of iron worth 1 silver, 4 copper
Oh Vat iz 'appeneing in Fairedale!? Vy do zizngz continue to zpiral down like ziz.

I 'ope zat you can 'elp her Isica. Zhe iz my familia after all.

Cozin vatch vat you carry on you. Try to keep it to zizngz zat are not zo valuable (I know you zaid ze veren't but to you.) I 'ope everyzing vorkz you for you.

Lanna Rose Draken
*focuses real hard trying to understand lana* ok so ya have these noble types and that there sheriff feller Luka. They deal with this stuff ask em to handle it if ya have a suspect. Otherwise yer kinda pissing in the wind.