Story Time in Atish


Chicago Staff

Some of you I've had the pleasure of meeting. Some of you I have yet not. I speak to those who arrive beyond the mist and reside in A-tu-pal. I am quite lonely and I value visitors who wish to listen to my stories. Will you listen to an old ladies stories? Anyone is invited, but it must be late late at night, when it's very quiet outside so proper listening can be conducted.

If you desire for a story, and feel confident you could retell me that story after a few retelling, I will grant you a great reward. However if you are not great at retelling, well we don't have to mention that here.

Grab 3 of your closest friends and come by for a tale; that's 4 people total if you can't. Quite. Count all proper. There will be a notice in the tavern, grab a piece and you'll rift away with your designated companions. I look forward to hearing you again....

-Granny Moseby

Maybe my magic didn't work like I thought it would. Apologies if any tried to visit. I'll have to make sure the magic works this time.
Come on by anytime after dark. Make sure it's after dark because I hate squinting from the light.

- Granny Moseby
Hello Granny,

I love stories !! Sadly I am alone in my travels , however if I find three others, so we are a total of four, I would love to come visit you. Late at night in the dark to protect your eyes.

Might I bring you anything to eat or drink ? Have you enough blankets and wood? Have you need of anything I can bring you?

Yours in Service,

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No one has ever offered to bring food or drink before. I'm quite taken back at how to respond to such kindness really.
I suppose I should preface that you need to be a good listener and a good story teller in order to gain my gifts.

- Granny Moseby

I believe I am both. I love to tell stories to the children at my orphanage. We stay up sometimes during storms and see who can tell the most exciting story to make the sounds outside less scary for the younger ones.

I am sorry no one has offered that kindness, but I am very happy to bring you anything you need that I can. Even if you only wish some company and to teach others your stories.

Yours In Service,
Perfect, how very kind. So many of you adventurers have visited me and listened to my stories already. I have a new one ready I'm very excited about, if you care for a challenge with a high reward.

- Granny Moseby

I hope very much to be able to visit you this gather !

I will see if I can bring a small gift of comfort for you.

To be clear while I will happily attempt to earn a reward - I would also be very happy to just listen to your stories and learn something new. A reward is not needed to spend time with you.

I am intrigued though, what challenges can come from storytelling!

Yours In Service,
If you agree to a story it must be retold within the confines of the circle, its just common courtesy…

Granny Moseby