Winter 2024-2025 IBGAs!
The Plot Team of The Lands of Mer wants to know: What is your character up to THIS WINTER?
Time flows in our game world just as it flows in real life, so your character has *months* between seasons in which to scheme and get into shenanigans! What can they do? How can we tell this story together? Submit In-Between Game Actions and let’s find out!
IBGAs should be emailed to
DUE DATE: Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
This year we are offering three different opt-in group activities for the winter months. Or, as always, you may decide your own adventure and let us know your plans, following the guidelines below!
Plot-Sponsored Group Options:
1. Leyline Listening festival pilgrimage with Vi’Achi and the Ogres
2. Bodyguarding, exploring, and rare wares-stocking with Chazzymyr Jusztiirn
3. Searching for clues from Albert the Owlbear
IG prompts for Group Options:
((Early in the colder months, as you are asleep, a faint drum beat can be heard pulsing over the dreamscape. Over the course of a night or two, the sounds gradually crescendo and additional shakers, flutes, pitched percussion, and ululating voices can be heard weaving their way through your dreams. If you focus your attention on the sounds, you can eventually discern the following message. If you have met her, the familiar voice of Vi’Achi is speaking))
Hello, dear Leyline Listeners and fellow Sound Enthusiasts of da Adventuring Band!
We, da Leyline Listeners of Tutti, would like to extend a cordial invite to anyone interested to join our annual Finale Cadence! Dis is a ogre tradition dat can be done wit a solo Band or a group of many Bands, and is always much looked forward to every year when it gets cold. One of our goals for dis Cadence is always to find or sometimes even make a Hot Springs!
Wit da help of new Listener apprentices and others in da adventuring band, we have made much contact wit Sound Elementals dis year, so our annual Finale Cadence is likely to be extra lively! Wit dis in mind, we are pleased to make our Cadence departure time more widely known dis year, in da hopes of having more Bands, or accompanists, or even simple audience participation join us for da festivities and explorations!
Dis year we will travel first from Tutti to Myerston, hold a Listening circle to finalize dis invitation, and den we will depart from Bennington’s Keep on da shortest day of da year.
We hope to see you dere!
((The following two flyers are seen posted at the taverns in Myerston, Khar-Durai, and Mournstead, Unmei)):
To the adventurers of Khar-Durai and Unmei,
I have made the acquaintance of many of you in my travels to your towns selling my wares. For those who do not know me, I am Chazzymyr Jusztiirn, a travelling merchant who passes through regularly selling a variety of wares, including the occasional magical item. This past year has been especially demanding with regard to my wares, and I find myself needing to stock up on my rarer wares over the winter.
I understand that you adventuring folk often take a break from your wildly dangerous lives during the winter months, so it occurred to me that you may have time to assist me in activities that fall more within your purview. I am specifically looking for people who are honest, dependable and loyal to assist me with my winter plans. Involved will be some bodyguarding work, travel, possible exploration of old ruins, and more adventuring.
If you are interested in assisting me, please leave message with the tavern keeper in Myerston and I will meet with you on my next trip through town.
Hello, adventurers of Mournstead and Khar-Durai,
I wanted to thank you again for all your efforts in helping rescue our dear friend Albert. It once again feels like our home and farm are complete, with his presence here. We cannot thank you enough for your persistence.
Since he has returned home, Albert has been seeming restless. He clearly feels safe here, and he settled back into his roost in the barn after you returned him to us. But lately, he’s been pacing around the farm, wandering into the woods a bit before coming back. We’re worried that there’s something we missed, maybe something Albert is looking for?
If you are willing to help us figure out what Albert is looking for, we would greatly appreciate it.
Albert’s Dad
OOG: if you are interested in participating in any one of the three group IBGAs, please contact your plot team. If you are part of a group that wants to participate, please make sure that each of the members who wants to participate contacts the plot team individually, to approve/consent to their participation.
General Guidelines for Independent IBGAs:
- If submitting as a group, please CC every player in the email.
- If involved in a group IBGA, please reply to the submission confirming: “My character does this” This consent must also be received before the submission deadline.
The email may be typed or have an attachment including the following information:
Player’s Name(s) and email(s):
Character’s name(s):
Goal: [Choose a quick descriptive phrase - Research, Travel, Contact NPC, Train, Labor… Other?]
Specific Task/Strategy: [Identify the content within the goal subject you selected. This may be a bulleted list.]
Relevant Resources: [Note character skills, related backstory experiences, or current IG affairs/networks/resources that may assist in accomplishing the goal.]
Other Guidelines from Your Friendly Neighborhood Plot Team:
Length: Providing a narrative with detailed insight into the emotions and motivation of your character is encouraged! We love creative scheming and development! However, if these layers of nuance cause your submission to be more than one page, please be sure to preface it with a bulleted list of action items and priorities (that may be added under “Specific Task/Strategy”).
Timeframe: Please bear in mind what is reasonably possible for a character to accomplish within a few months (between the 2024 closer and the 2025 opener events). If you are uncertain about how long it takes to travel somewhere, for example, please feel free to reach out to the Plot Team.
Responses: The Plot Team will aim to have a response email replied to you by the week of the 2025 opener! However, as this is a LIVE-ACTION Roleplay game, we may choose to respond to your submission, at least in part, with on-stage consequences or mods at the event! If this is the case, we will inform you: “Submission response will be handled on-stage at the event.” If you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
Canon Roleplay: Always feel free to reach out to Plot Team members, or even the players cast as specific NPCs, if you have questions or wish to roleplay virtually for extra details! However- These RP interactions must be summarized or attached to official IBGA submission emails, or they are not guaranteed to be understood as canon in-game.
Comment here with any questions and we’ll clarify as best we can!
Happy Writing!
~ The Lands of Mer Plot Team
The Plot Team of The Lands of Mer wants to know: What is your character up to THIS WINTER?
Time flows in our game world just as it flows in real life, so your character has *months* between seasons in which to scheme and get into shenanigans! What can they do? How can we tell this story together? Submit In-Between Game Actions and let’s find out!
IBGAs should be emailed to
DUE DATE: Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
This year we are offering three different opt-in group activities for the winter months. Or, as always, you may decide your own adventure and let us know your plans, following the guidelines below!
Plot-Sponsored Group Options:
1. Leyline Listening festival pilgrimage with Vi’Achi and the Ogres
2. Bodyguarding, exploring, and rare wares-stocking with Chazzymyr Jusztiirn
3. Searching for clues from Albert the Owlbear
IG prompts for Group Options:
((Early in the colder months, as you are asleep, a faint drum beat can be heard pulsing over the dreamscape. Over the course of a night or two, the sounds gradually crescendo and additional shakers, flutes, pitched percussion, and ululating voices can be heard weaving their way through your dreams. If you focus your attention on the sounds, you can eventually discern the following message. If you have met her, the familiar voice of Vi’Achi is speaking))
Hello, dear Leyline Listeners and fellow Sound Enthusiasts of da Adventuring Band!
We, da Leyline Listeners of Tutti, would like to extend a cordial invite to anyone interested to join our annual Finale Cadence! Dis is a ogre tradition dat can be done wit a solo Band or a group of many Bands, and is always much looked forward to every year when it gets cold. One of our goals for dis Cadence is always to find or sometimes even make a Hot Springs!
Wit da help of new Listener apprentices and others in da adventuring band, we have made much contact wit Sound Elementals dis year, so our annual Finale Cadence is likely to be extra lively! Wit dis in mind, we are pleased to make our Cadence departure time more widely known dis year, in da hopes of having more Bands, or accompanists, or even simple audience participation join us for da festivities and explorations!
Dis year we will travel first from Tutti to Myerston, hold a Listening circle to finalize dis invitation, and den we will depart from Bennington’s Keep on da shortest day of da year.
We hope to see you dere!
((The following two flyers are seen posted at the taverns in Myerston, Khar-Durai, and Mournstead, Unmei)):
To the adventurers of Khar-Durai and Unmei,
I have made the acquaintance of many of you in my travels to your towns selling my wares. For those who do not know me, I am Chazzymyr Jusztiirn, a travelling merchant who passes through regularly selling a variety of wares, including the occasional magical item. This past year has been especially demanding with regard to my wares, and I find myself needing to stock up on my rarer wares over the winter.
I understand that you adventuring folk often take a break from your wildly dangerous lives during the winter months, so it occurred to me that you may have time to assist me in activities that fall more within your purview. I am specifically looking for people who are honest, dependable and loyal to assist me with my winter plans. Involved will be some bodyguarding work, travel, possible exploration of old ruins, and more adventuring.
If you are interested in assisting me, please leave message with the tavern keeper in Myerston and I will meet with you on my next trip through town.
Hello, adventurers of Mournstead and Khar-Durai,
I wanted to thank you again for all your efforts in helping rescue our dear friend Albert. It once again feels like our home and farm are complete, with his presence here. We cannot thank you enough for your persistence.
Since he has returned home, Albert has been seeming restless. He clearly feels safe here, and he settled back into his roost in the barn after you returned him to us. But lately, he’s been pacing around the farm, wandering into the woods a bit before coming back. We’re worried that there’s something we missed, maybe something Albert is looking for?
If you are willing to help us figure out what Albert is looking for, we would greatly appreciate it.
Albert’s Dad
OOG: if you are interested in participating in any one of the three group IBGAs, please contact your plot team. If you are part of a group that wants to participate, please make sure that each of the members who wants to participate contacts the plot team individually, to approve/consent to their participation.
General Guidelines for Independent IBGAs:
- If submitting as a group, please CC every player in the email.
- If involved in a group IBGA, please reply to the submission confirming: “My character does this” This consent must also be received before the submission deadline.
The email may be typed or have an attachment including the following information:
Player’s Name(s) and email(s):
Character’s name(s):
Goal: [Choose a quick descriptive phrase - Research, Travel, Contact NPC, Train, Labor… Other?]
Specific Task/Strategy: [Identify the content within the goal subject you selected. This may be a bulleted list.]
Relevant Resources: [Note character skills, related backstory experiences, or current IG affairs/networks/resources that may assist in accomplishing the goal.]
Other Guidelines from Your Friendly Neighborhood Plot Team:
Length: Providing a narrative with detailed insight into the emotions and motivation of your character is encouraged! We love creative scheming and development! However, if these layers of nuance cause your submission to be more than one page, please be sure to preface it with a bulleted list of action items and priorities (that may be added under “Specific Task/Strategy”).
Timeframe: Please bear in mind what is reasonably possible for a character to accomplish within a few months (between the 2024 closer and the 2025 opener events). If you are uncertain about how long it takes to travel somewhere, for example, please feel free to reach out to the Plot Team.
Responses: The Plot Team will aim to have a response email replied to you by the week of the 2025 opener! However, as this is a LIVE-ACTION Roleplay game, we may choose to respond to your submission, at least in part, with on-stage consequences or mods at the event! If this is the case, we will inform you: “Submission response will be handled on-stage at the event.” If you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to ask!
Canon Roleplay: Always feel free to reach out to Plot Team members, or even the players cast as specific NPCs, if you have questions or wish to roleplay virtually for extra details! However- These RP interactions must be summarized or attached to official IBGA submission emails, or they are not guaranteed to be understood as canon in-game.
Comment here with any questions and we’ll clarify as best we can!
Happy Writing!
~ The Lands of Mer Plot Team
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