Summer Rumors heard around Westhaven



King O,Dell took to the feild to rally the dwarven troops a few weeks ago! He was without the hammer-that famous one.

Dwarves have been seen fighting dwarves in the big cities

Barbarians have been seen on the front reinforcing dwarven lines?! Guess they are Northlunds citizens- is that a good sign or a bad one?

Several patches of Forest and a single farm have ceased to exist! Like just vanished overnight

The tower outside Westhaven has vanished! Just one more thing disappearing!? Should we be alarmed.

Gnot and Don't are the farmhouse murderer! There is two of them! Genius!

Those branded barbarians are so trendy. Can I get one?

I heard soon 1 in 10 of all people will be a lycanthrope.

Old lady Torgensen won the best pie contest despite all the judges dying the next day!

My cousins well was dry and now it's not. But the water totally is intoxicated.

Master Asura of the Solar’s MADE MAGIC!!!! He fixed one of those antimagic zones! I bet he could unravel Stahn Revahns very being!

Rifting does not work like anywhere at the moment what is up with that!
