Summer Write-ups

Strava Plot

Gettysburg Staff
Hey everyone!!!

Here are the quick instructions for your summer write-ups.

1) DEADLINE IS midnight July 31, 2013
2) You get three actions or one very large action
3) It makes it easier to respond when we know more about your character...send us your character histories!!!
4) Please understand that your actions have consequences, reactions, or further journeys down the rabbit hole.
5) You may receive a verbal, written, or in-game response...please be patient and understand that your actions may have reactions further down the line than you initially expect. A response is not guaranteed to be "immediate" or "singular"
6) please take this opportunity to get involved...your actions could and do shape the events of the world.

Thanks all! If you have questions or concerns just email me at I cannot wait to read you write-ups and summer plans!!

2 Questions.

1.) If I'm waiting on a response to a previous IBGA from pre-May/June event, who should I prod (waiting onBoth an IBGA, and I'm in desperate need of the guilds packet)
2.) I know it's not that nice of a place, but it's not nice to call Jehyu's building a "hole" and to keep sending people down to visit without warning, I'm going to run out of food and room!
Maybe they're not talking about your home...