Sunday One-day Funday Moments!


Favorite moments? Let's hear them!

-Props to Anette eating the Sport Pepper!
-The crestfallen look on Draco's face finding out his was the last Aegis.

I'll think of more in a bit!

-Gabe R.
Player of Haraka & Red Rapscalion!
Chicago One-days always have a flare for the danger and this was no different. That said, as requested!

-That awful Alamo situation with Nick, James, and Thomas. Never forget.
-Fighting with Annette as NPC plants over who eats downed players.
-Draco wandering around lunch as a skeleton and everyone being relatively chill about it.
-"I recognize the cookie out"
-The hug to end all hugs with Alex's NPC. Endow is Sam's favorite spell for a reason.
-Annete with the pepper at lunch
-Jester Iggy
-The shadow walking gargoyles.

-Discussing the merits of ketchup and no ketchup on a hotdog. (I ATE A LOT OF PEPPERS)
-Fighting with said hotdog with an active shatter.
-Learning new things about being on the surface.
-Circle guard shoulder rubs
-Being the 2 handed terror I am as an npc
-Spending the 1st 10 minutes of the event Terrored and hiding in the bushes.
-All things Shen, Val, and Dusty.
-making a friend or 2 over cookies.

My makeup didn't melt much. Good times.

Vicki, Yasu/Elle