Tag holds

Robb G

I have noticed this season a dramatic drop in tag holds at HQ. now, i am certianly not everywhere at every event, so I might just be noticing it when and where I am, but my fighter buddies also mentioned the lack of them too this year and I was kind of wondering if anyone else noticed this, if it was a deliberate thing, or if I am just dumb.

I always found tag holds a great way to keep players honest, keep me more organised, and also it gave me a chance to walk up to the npcs who we were just involved with in that encounter and thank them for a job well done, or ask a question about a rule they might be able to help me with.

with all of the rules infractions at the last event, I thought it might be a good time to ask this now, and see if monster camp knew about this, or if i am just the last to know that these kinds of things are on the way out and i should get used to this.
We usually collect tags after wave battles and modules. We may not scream out "tag hold" loudly after each one, but they generally are collected by npcs wandering around afterward. It may get forgotten after crunchie fights and such though.

We'll remind our encounter heads to do this. :)
Honestly, there were about 3 or 4 battles that I planned to call a tag hold after last event. Every time I was about to do it, I saw at least two or three groups of PCs in some interesting or intense role play. Each time, I decided that it wasn't worth breaking the mood just to collect a few tags.

most likely a dumb idea but...

What if insted of serching after a battle the tresure was handed out at/after the tag hold
every one battles then when its done gather and turn in tags used and NPC's and Marshal hand out stuff found after battle
this would allow for new skills in Serching and allow the NPC's and Marshal to give out items based on level and experence.
I know there would be arguments but it would asure people turning in tags becouse they want tresure it would let tresure be given out more fair and battles might flow a tad better.

Frank Wiccan said:
most likely a dumb idea but...

What if insted of serching after a battle the tresure was handed out at/after the tag hold
every one battles then when its done gather and turn in tags used and NPC's and Marshal hand out stuff found after battle
this would allow for new skills in Serching and allow the NPC's and Marshal to give out items based on level and experence.
I know there would be arguments but it would asure people turning in tags becouse they want tresure it would let tresure be given out more fair and battles might flow a tad better.


there's no way people would remember who fought who and then there would be fighting about how much dmg someone put into a monster before someone else delivered the final blow and what not. that would add so much un-needed stress and time to the game.

I just like tag holds. i think they are fair and keep people in check. I don't know anyone who actively cheats per se. but i have looked down at my ring before going into combat and said.. "wait a second... i thought I used that last confine a half hour ago."

i think they just help.
I was thinking that not that the NPC's remberd who killed them but more like all advantures agree not to serch for goods untill After a battle
and after the battle they say they are picking through the corpses.
so no looting at all during the battle after its done we gather to turn in tags players while turning in tags are assumed to be serching the ground
the marshal and or NPC's collect tags and hand out the stuff

again this would allow them to be more fair in handing out stuff and could tailor it to PC level and experence
allow players who never get to serch kills like healers or casters that are away from the front
and night time battles would not leave gold on the ground never to be found.

Once after a long hard battle the NPC Lord thanked us and rewarded the entire group of PC's a bag of goodies
we had an auction for the larger items devided the coin and everyone got some, that I feel was fantastic!
arguments like "hey I hit that thing 10 times you just hit it twice and looted it!" I so hate and watching the healers run arround keeping people alive only after the battle to not have gotten a single coin upsets me.

Yeah, I agree with Strauss though too. I think at least one of those times after a battle I was in some intense RP. I would have been sad to have it broken up for some tags. Alliance, is really an honor system anyway. Pull the tags you used on your own and either throw 'em away or put 'em in a separate pouch. That's what I do. Yank 'em, drop em in a different pocket and find a marshal if I can. If not...to the garbage with 'em.
But doesn't the fact that my character killed something and took its treasure tailor it to my experience level?

The arguments over hey why did you loot that, create IG PC v. PC drama that can work itself out. If you get yourslef a reputaion of horning in on someone elses claim then you get that rep IG and must deal with the consequenses.

The Healer/Caster not getting treasure point has been beaten to death on other threads.

This really probably belongs on a thread of its own.
Frank Wiccan said:
I was thinking that not that the NPC's remberd who killed them but more like all advantures agree not to serch for goods untill After a battle
and after the battle they say they are picking through the corpses.
so no looting at all during the battle after its done we gather to turn in tags players while turning in tags are assumed to be serching the ground
the marshal and or NPC's collect tags and hand out the stuff

again this would allow them to be more fair in handing out stuff and could tailor it to PC level and experence
allow players who never get to serch kills like healers or casters that are away from the front
and night time battles would not leave gold on the ground never to be found.

Once after a long hard battle the NPC Lord thanked us and rewarded the entire group of PC's a bag of goodies
we had an auction for the larger items devided the coin and everyone got some, that I feel was fantastic!
arguments like "hey I hit that thing 10 times you just hit it twice and looted it!" I so hate and watching the healers run arround keeping people alive only after the battle to not have gotten a single coin upsets me.


well, it's the healers and caster's own fault for not searching the kills (i'm a caster, and i hardly ever search anything). If the body is there, only your honor is stopping you from looting it, and not every PC has that, so they should be aloud to loot during battle as much as they wish. If that creates IG conflict between PCs, all the better.

Gold and treasure left on the ground makes for a great find while casually strolling around in the wee morning hours, so I like it when they drop stuff.

nothing is stopping Pcs from auctioning treasure to groups, in fact, it happens all the time.

and just because it upsets you that healers aren't rewarded, doesn't mean it upsets everyone. IG, they have every right to withhold thier services.

I am not trying to confuse IG issues with OOG issues, and yeah,w e run an honor systam, and if tag holds are dissapearing then I guess I'll just get used to it. I just perosnally always found them helpful.

When I cast protectives on people in battle now, the most common thing I hear is "keep the tag, I already have one from before". it just seems like a receipe for trouble to me.

But I digress... so if I am keeping my own tags and what not, can I put them in a seperate pouch and give them back to logistics at the end of the event so we are not wasting paper or something?
Yeah, I agree the "keep the tag, I already have one from before." can be a recipe for trouble. That's a really good idea...if you keep your tags and hand 'em back into logistics that might work. Now granted...I tend to beat my tags up being in a pouch the way they are...but it's a possibility.
Gwendara said:
Yeah, I agree the "keep the tag, I already have one from before." can be a recipe for trouble. That's a really good idea...if you keep your tags and hand 'em back into logistics that might work. Now granted...I tend to beat my tags up being in a pouch the way they are...but it's a possibility.

I think "Keep the tag I have one from before" comes into play is when in a fight you use your spell shield, you don't pull it right away. A caster comes over and puts one on you. At that time I tell the caster to hand in the one they casted while I keep the one I have, instead of trying to find my tag ring, open it up and put the new one on while taking the old one off. We all know how much it sucks to have an exploding tag ring.
I think this needs its own thread.... the original subject was tagholds.... these were minimal this last weekend but for the most part.. I saw plenty of people going thru and taking tags out and giving them to the nearest NPC (which means the honor system does work! = ) )

After the big fights tag holds do come in handy.. I personally (when I take a breathing break do a spell inventory and rip what I need to) When i am using scrolls.. i rip them off my ring and cut them in half ready to turn them in used.

sorry to derail the topic

my idea was to make people feel better about tag holds and ask for them by handing out tresure durring them
based not on what you killed but in a fair and by level or commie system.
mostly as a way to make tag holds always happen and be look forward too!

Yeah, I can see your point to a degree Frank. However, I also agree with the above posts that dealing with treasure is both an IG and OOG experience. I'd like to keep it the way it is for that reason. Interesting roleplay can happen from it. For example...Ikmoq's favorites from last month:

What are you thinking That is so my teasure- guy
you think so huh? -iky
Ikmoqs is everything alright over there? -andros
OH SH*t...um your Ikmoqs-guy
that is my name -iky
never mind sorry i was wrong ..sorry bye! -guy (as he's back peddling)

Moments like those are why I wouldn't want treasure to just be "handed" out during a tag hold. Not to mention it takes away some of the sense of accomplishment in my mind. There's something about actually rifling through the stuff of the monster you just killed.
yup I had a fun moment also (posted in another post)

We fell this Goblin that has beed waylaying people all night much much to easly (he was amazingly good at RL sneeking)
we have him dead and he says (roleplay serching physical contact ok) so we are serching him rolling him over going into pockets ect..
and 2 very nasty dark death thingies are sneeking up on us and I say look out behind us!
one high lever player (wont name him for fear of embarsing him) looks back says Oh god Run run run and him being very very powerfull I run over branch litterd ground in the darkness faster then I have ran before!
hey when your level 8 and a level 30++++ says OMG run run you RUN!

that was fun and wouldnt have happend in a Commie tresure system durring a tag hold
no I wouldnt :D
it was just a sugestion and I think I did say was prob a stupid one.

Im not Larping for money but for friends and fun,
tresure is just icing on an already ice filled cake just an idea to chat about :)

Suggestions are always welcome, I'm sure. That's how we evolve and change, or tweak things.