Taking advantage of a bounty.


So, has anyone else heard about the crazy bounty on Boggle teeth? I've got a great place to...let's say gather some but I could use some strong arms to help. All I ask for is an even share of the proceeds. Let's say no more than 9 people, because I don't want to dilute my share too much.

-Erik the Hunter.
Even share being 1/10 of total collected, assuming it is truly 9 others who join you correct?

Oh course, it's pretty simple math right?

I will help your cause for a 1/10 share
Oye care to have a hearty dwarf along ye side? I'll gladly lend my arm to a comrade as long as ye can promise I get to hit somethin worth hitting, also can't be forgetten my cut of thee money.

-Thorfain Runeshield
Yer a bit late I'm afraid friend, we went hunting almost two weeks ago, it was quite the success!

-Erik the Hunter