Tasks for Next Market - May


Chicago Staff
We appeared rather productive in what we set out to accomplish last market. However with a new year comes new issues that spring up. If you have anything that needs pursuit or known of relevant investigation please come forward.

1. Convincing/Inquiring leaders of the world to attend a summit.
2. Dealing with Winter's remains in central Yushien.
- Bones were missing from the mound of rotten scales. A Seek the Whole was cast and determined the Bones were moved, likely by animation or possession. Speculation being by the Wraith Lord.
3. Locating and apprehending The Vulture for breaking into Evodir's Vault
4. Finding a means to defeat the Wraith Lord
5. Exploring the Conflux City for old relics and lost history

Anything else?

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Another task: Exploring the city for relics of the past and lost history.
Find a safe place for dragon orbs to be stored.