Tavern Menu

Aeris said:
Hayley and I have decided that we are not going to be serving juice but water...like be for.

But we will also be phys reping some of the drinks...YAY!!

Wait we do have some juice...
How bout a drink called "hobling on a rope". It's half sprite/half Sobe, a cure light elixer, and six inches of cinnamon dental floss in the bottom.

self depracation a specialty
Solomon Maxondaerth said:
How bout a drink called "hobling on a rope". It's half sprite/half Sobe, a cure light elixer, and six inches of cinnamon dental floss in the bottom.

self depracation a specialty

go ahead and bring all the phys reps...for it and we will searve it....but why would anyone drink that...YUk....it sounds gross to me...the floss is just kinda creepy...
Aeris said:
go ahead and bring all the phys reps...for it and we will searve it....but why would anyone drink that...YUk....it sounds gross to me...the floss is just kinda creepy...

Yeah, but it's integral to the story...I mean drink.
Lol. Any drinks that aren't listed on that menu can be requested, just as long as the player brings the OOG supplies. So if your character wants "Shaken Frog Brains" for example (or some other weird drink), you will tell the tavern-girl In-Game ?Could you mix me up some Shaken Frog Brains?? Then you would quickly explain OOG the location of your OOG supplies for this drink so it can be easily found in the fridge. Then the tavern girl will say, "We don't usually offer that kind of stuff here, but I'll see what I can do for you." Then she?ll go into the back for a while and return with your drink, fresh and sizzling. Just be prepared to pay a little bit of IG money though. ^_^

Gee I wonder what prices should be like?
There's always the ever popular sparkling cider portrayed as 'elven wine'. Also, if you had some cranberry juice that could make for a lovely blood wine of some sort... maybe griffon blood wine? Hmm, that might upset the biata. I think Fey Blood Wine might add a bit to the cranberry juice. Perhaps honey tea could be served as warm mead or something. And if you want a drink that could potentially be used for 'drinking contests,' salted water could make for some nasty shot taking contests. Grape juice and cranberry juice could be mixed to act as Port wine. These are merely suggestions, though.

I try to bring some sparkling cider to nearly ever event and I term it as elvish wine. I can never remember who or where I got it from, though...
... maybe griffon blood wine? Hmm, that might upset the biata.

I will firmly stand by my view that anyone who is NOT a biata who WILLINGLY drinks gryphon blood should take 100% of the consequences of their actions.
Diera said:
I will firmly stand by my view that anyone who is NOT a biata who WILLINGLY drinks gryphon blood should take 100% of the consequences of their actions.

Does that mean we can hit you up for a donation from your little one :laugh:
I was also thinking that the sparkling cider sounds like a good idea. I intend to bring some my self.
Dave said:
And just where are you planning to get the fey blood? Plot wants to know ;)

Not all drinks are made from what they are named for. It could potentially be just a name and really made from some exotic berry that's exceedingly expensive or something. Or, if someone wants to hunt fey and make wine from their blood more power to them. I'm not associated with them... ;)
Notice the wink in his eye....he's a fey killer! hahahaha I've caught you.
Cymryc said:
Does that mean we can hit you up for a donation from your little one :laugh:

50 gold, she has to be willing, and you have to stand in the earth circle when you drink it... wouldn't want you to have far to walk.
Dave said:
And just where are you planning to get the fey blood? Plot wants to know ;)

What are you talking about? Lorenzo's freezer is chock full of the stuff after Polare and...


Never mind.

Polare Lissenstine said:
What are you talking about? Lorenzo's freezer is chock full of the stuff after Polare and...


Never mind.


Way to go Bryan now were in trouble