Tavern Night - Availability and Interest



So we are looking at having a tavern night in Olympia. We're looking at a hall where we can be indoors and have a kitchen to do some sort of food. I'm curious to see what people's level of interest for this and availability for Saturday December 12th. There's a couple of things we're looking at possibly doing so please give feedback as to what you'd prefer.

Role-play only Tavern night
No weapons allowed, no spell packets allowed. It's all roleplay. There would be some known NPCs available for RP as well but this would be focused primarily on giving PCs and NPCs a chance to talk and discuss and hang out in character without the threat of eminent death.

Tavern Night/Game Day
In this idea we'd be running a short mod (an hour or two) before the tavern night begins. Weapons and armor for the game day but not for the tavern night.

Game Day and Night
It's a long game day where there'll be some NPC stuff to fight early on. After that it's still a game day with weapons and armor but plot won't be continuing the action.

Thoughts, Suggestions?
I'm down for any of the above. In my experience, people have been successful with the "take it outside" kind of combat between tavern patrons.

Would we have food making, drink serving action going on?

I would be happy to help as a tavern worker, maybe dish washer or whatever.
I'd be happy with either of the first two options, although if you did the third it wouldn't turn me away by any means. However, I'll have to be sneaky in order to be available since my company isn't letting anyone request days off for most of December. My final exams can be worked around :).

What do you guesstimate would be the earliest start time that day?
Any of the above options sound fine, I would just rather there be more time to talk than not. Dec. 12 is great.

Sounds fun!

I could be persuaded to come up if there's something for a lowly NPC to do. I would prefer something involving combat.

By the way, would this be a good opportunity to invite friends who are too chicken to commit to a whole weekend?
I'd be interested in coming. It does feel like a lot of makeup for just an RP tavern night, though, so I'd prefer the short or long mod beforehand if possible :)
Since the last day for finals is Dec. 11, there is a possibility that I could go.

People seem in favor of at least some form of mod like thing.
If we're doing a mod type thing we'd probably want to start by noonish. I'm currently trying to figure out what our time on access to the facility I'm looking at is. Their webpage says that rentals only go until 6pm in winter which really isn't late enough to be worth it.

With regards to food would people rather pay more and have food made available or would they rather do some sort of potluck type thing?

One other question. The 12th seems to be a Mortal Tears weekend. Can I get prospective feedback on the following weekend of the 19th?

The closer we get to Christmas, the more likely people will be to be out of town. Since that's the weekend before, it is particularly likely that we'll be in Seattle or Oregon. (Though what with Christmas being the next friday, the following weekend is more likely to be the busy one Iguess.)
So far, the 19th is ok for me. Food being made available for more cost would be wonderfully convenient- I vote yes.

I'm having Christmas on the 19th
Food and drink that we could buy with in-game money would be sweet. It would add alot to the overall atmosphere.

I have a strong inclination that the cost for the game would be higher if food were to be available (though I've heard that that's something being discussed). IG money is great for buying IG stuff, but the OOG money for food has to come from somewhere.
Maybe it could be done potluck-style, with us all buying it from each other.

If we trust each other enough. Maybe not.

Whatever weekend is good for me, the latter being nicer homework-wise, but I just need to have a concrete date well ahead of time to be able to finagle it off work.
What about spirit linked/locked magic items/weapons?
This date is official.
Check in is 1pm on December 12th
Location is Lewis and Clark State Park ELC

More info/rules to follow.
I thought this was going to be in Olympia. Unless I'm mistaken but Lewis and Clark State park is 2.5 times farther away and in a different direction then Olympia. Did something happen to the original site?

It's not exactly Olympia, It's Chehalis. About 30 miles south (closer to Oregon).

Lewis And Clark State Park
Lewis And Clark State Park, Winlock, Washington 98596

Link: <http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=lewis+and+clark+state+park,+chehalis,+wa&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=42.716829,78.222656&ie=UTF8&hq=lewis+and+clark+state+park,&hnear=Chehalis,+WA&ll=46.528694,-122.817299&spn=0.009094,0.019097&z=16&iwloc=B&cid=12938311719358339978>