

Friends, will there be a tavern this weekend?

Many thanks,
Sorry, baby on lap.....she posted one..i posted one
S'all good, :)

Besides... its an important question... If not I'll try bring Brats and the grill again.

yes, their will be a tavern this event with having breakfest,lunch dinner on Saturday and breakfest on Sunday(yes I'm cooking). If anyone have any ALLERGIES or special food needs plesase let me know wright away.

Tavern Coordinator
Shellfish and Fish- Me
Onions and Strawberries-Vicki
Mint- Thomas

Those are off the top of my head.

Well Amy, sounds like a good time to whip up that mint, onion, strawberry scallop dish you were telling me about =)


PS YEAH@!!!!!! AMY FOOD!!!!! Amy do you need me to bring anything? I could also just give you some cash for what you need to buy so that you can buy it before the event, let me know. I could kick in a little cash or bring some drinks.

BtB said:
Well Amy, sounds like a good time to whip up that mint, onion, strawberry scallop dish you were telling me about =)

That sounds like all KINDS of revolting, but maybe...just to spite the Chi-town crew and Vicky....:D

I better shut up now before people slip bean dip into whatever you're making. :?

lessers- Onions
Most fish
Green Peppers

Danger zone- Pork Products (truthfully, i cannot eat pork without...an extensive amount of vomit. ^_^)
Walnuts/Pistachios (lmfao, spelling?)

Dave, I think I have everything for this event but could always use the money for the Oct. event :D .
thakns alot, your alway a big help can't wait to see you at the event.

Tavern Coordinator

The food was amazing!!!! Thank you, so worth the 2 silver any day.

I know we had a lot going on, but I forgot to get my gobby stamp receipt from you, so if you could hold it till October, that would rock.....errr....wait, I just found out when I got home today I could not make the Oct =(, my wife has to work that weekend.

Dave, I hate you for missing the event. :(


As always the food hit that soft spot... I especially apreciated the oranges. :D
