Teacher wanted


Chicago Staff
Hello! I know I asked several people if they could teach me to fix my armor the last time I saw everyone. If you can teach me this to take the burden off of some of our better fighters, I would really, very much so appreciate it. Many thanks ahead of time!
I'm certain you'll find *cough* some *cough* kindly blacksmith who will be quite willing to help teach you the finer points of armor repair. :)

- Tazoulti Strongbeard
I can vouch for Tazoulti, Eve, you would be hard pressed to find a more skilled teacher.

See you both soon!
Really? That would be wonderful!!! I really do hate being a burden. Sir, I would really appreciate it. I mean if it isn't a bother and all. *clasps hands and bounces slightly whilst smiling*
Young Mistress,

If you have not learned this skill yet, seek me out and I will be happy to show you what I know.

Many blessings,

P.s. I will be the dwarf in the purple shirt
Master Bob,

I greatly appreciate the offer for a teacher of the trade; however, I have already been blessed to have been taught the skill by another master black smith. Although I am always a willing student if there is any other wisdom you care to bestow upon me, I would be most interested in learning. As my father would have said one never stops learning until he is dead and even that is questionable.

Thank you once more,