Teaching and Using.

Ok, so I sort of know how this teaching thing works. I know I was tought one handed blade at the dinner event so all I have to do is buy the skill for the weekend event and i'm set.

But what about all other other skills I wish to buy? I know I'll have to find someone to teach it to me in game, a guild perhaps. But my question is then what? Will logistics still be up? Do I go to them and get things updated so I can use the skill? Do I have to wait till sign in on the next game day?
Do I wait till the next event?
Logistics usually is in full force twice an event. Once when you get there on Friday, and once on Saturday at 6pm. This is the prime time to give the teacher card to logistics. Spending your build usually happens between events since this is when xp is calculated. If you have enough free build at the event to learn the skill just let logistics know. They might write it in on your card, but this is up to the discretion of the logistics team.