Technical Assistance Requested!

This is from Andrea via e-mail (I believe her screen name is Velkyn?):

<<< Am having a bit of trouble with the Alliance forums. When I log in, it tells me everything is fine, but as soon as I try to post to a thread, or PM someone, it kicks me back to the log in page. I even tried to go to register and when I click “I accept” it just sits there. If you could pass this message along to whomever could help me, I’d much appreciate it. >>>

Can anyone help her out? How do I get this request to the webmaster?


--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
It SOUNDS like her browser isn't accepting cookies to me. I admit I've never had that problem on a current board, but some old ones I used to frequent would do that when either I had my browser set to not accept them, or I hadn't cleaned out my cache in a while.
Clear out the cache, restart the computer. I would say restart the browser, but restarting the computer shows it you mean business!