Temporary Precautions for Events


New Hampshire Staff
Due to the Covid 19 pandemic Alliance LARP NH is implementing some additional practices at our events as safety precautions.

If you have tested positive for Covid 19 in the past two weeks, have been exposed to someone who has had Covid 19 in the past two weeks, or are experiencing unexplainable Covid 19 symptoms please do not attend our event.

As a reasonable accommodation, any attendees who do not provide proof of vaccination will be allowed to participate using a modified version of our Paging System and must wear facial coverings at all times.

All attendees are encouraged to wear facial coverings while participating in combat.
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Alliance LARP NH has altered it’s Paging System temporarily due to covid 19. All participants who do not provide proof of vaccination must play as Pages for the duration of the event. These are the altered rules for the paging system. Changes have been marked in bold print.

The Paging system allows you to participate in an event as a non-combatant. You play your character as a “Page” while utilizing this system. This means that you are not a valid target for boffer attacks and/or thrown packets. Though you cannot be physically struck during in-game combat, your character is still present during combat and can still be affected by the attacks of other characters as described below.

In order to signify the active use of this policy to other players, anyone playing as a Page will wear an orange headband while in-game.

Pages must wear face coverings and maintain 6 feet of distance from other players at all times. Pages must attempt to avoid combat whenever it is possible. In addition, other characters may not use you as a “human shield” to avoid attacks. When Paging you may not deal damage or other effects with boffer weapons and/or thrown packets. You may use defensive skills, but you may not use offensive skills and/or abilities except if said skills and/or abilities are touch cast. In order to use a touch ranged skill or ability the Page must be within 8 feet of their target. While using a touch ranged skill or ability on another character a Page must call the word “Touch” at the beginning of their activation call, or spell verbal, and point at their intended target with their weapon, packet, or hand while saying their activation call, spell verbal, or damage call.

“Touch, I call upon Earth to grant 5 healing”
“Touch, Healing Arts, Are you bleeding out?”

A player may choose to use the Paging rules at any time during an event, but once they have chosen to play as a Page, they must remain “Paging” until the next logistics period. During the next logistics period, they may again choose whether they wish to continue playing as a Page or elect to cease using the Paging system.

As stated above, Pages are still present during combat. They can be attacked by other characters, but there are several rules that apply to attacking a Page. First, the attacker must be within 8 feet of the Page. Second, the attacker must call the word “Page” at the beginning of their activation call, spell verbal, or damage call, and point at their intended target with their weapon, packet, or hand while saying their activation call, spell verbal, or damage call.

“Page, I call upon Earth to grant 5 healing.”
“Page, 5 normal.”

The attacker does not swing their boffer, nor throw a packet when attacking a Page. It is assumed that every weapon and packet attack called in this manner hits the Page. The Page may call any appropriate defensives that they possess in response to such attacks. If you are playing as a Page and you are physically struck in combat, please remind the attacker that you are Paging and cannot physically receive attacks. A Page can be given a Killing Blow and all other rules concerning healing and resurrections apply as well as all in game ramifications.
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Thanks for these great precautions! :)

Are Pages still required to wear orange headbands?
Thank you very much for the great question and my apologies for the delayed response.

Yes, the policy does still call for orange headbands to be worn while paging. It is kind of buried in the middle, and I should probably try and find a way to move it closer to the beginning of the document.

This policy has been edited towards the following purposes.

Moved the requirement to wear an orange headband closer to the start of the policy.
Removed the use of the second person point of view.
Added pointing as a step to making verbal calls in order to clarify which player is being targeted.