Thank you and some favorites.


I just wanted to say thank you to Tank, Josh, Matt, and Asa for a wonderfully fun weekend. It was one of the most memorable events in a long time. You guys did an amazing job of keeping the entire town busy for the entire marketday. I didn't even have time to feed people, I had to go find them out in the woods to tell them it was dinner time. Thanks also to Doug, and Stevie and anybody else I am forgetting that helped NPC for certain mods. There was a great variety of puzzles, combat, RP, and just all out fear at least for me. It has been a long time since I have been actually scared at an event. And I even that was intense.

Favorites of the weekend:
Getting beat down and rezzed by a dragon that didnt look like a dragon. Wow that was scary lol!
The don't take treasure mod. Wow was it hard not to take stuff. Not cause of the greed but the phys reps were so damn cool!
The town actually working together.
Actually having info about what was going on personally for once without having to bug Durk, Casan or Stemthie for it. Not cause they won't give it out but I hate asking lol.
Not having a ward to hide behind, and actually making watches again to guard from death in our sleep.
Illithid fight and how cool everything looked.
Signing a death contract to save a certain healer friend 5 mins after coming into game.
All the RP in the tavern, and getting the information. Been a long time since I had to pay that much for good info.
A full dragon poker circle. And Kings always being fail! Wow I had so much fun.
The minotaur!
There are a ton more but leaving room for other people to answer too without giving away the wole event.

Thanks all that ran, you really made me enjoy the weekend. I had the worst Friday I have had in a few years to say the least...but the minute I got to game I forgot it all and had a blast.

And last but not least.....TWO ADVENTURES and a SMOKE FILLED ROOM! Best joke EVER!
I also had a very good time.

I want to thank Tank specifically for running so many side mods/plots for Wes and I. I know this was one of his favorite events because of them.

Thanks to Matt for looking cool with the tentacle face. Thanks also for letting me ride you like a pony. I had all of these horrible comments going through my head when your tentacles were directly in my crotchal area, but I was able to keep the IG atmosphere and hold them all in.

Thanks Josh for NPC'ing when needed.

Thanks Asa for showing me that, though I might feel butch because I can take a doom and still stand, a few swings of 30 Chaos brings me right back to earth...

I also wanted to say that I thought the IG atmosphere was light-years ahead of where it used to be. Keeping the lights off in the tavern, outside at NPC camp, and in the PC cabin kept things feeling a lot scarier and more realistic. Also, props on keeping us entertained without having to send crunchies in 24/7 . It put me into a nice lazy daze until I walked outside at night and almost ran into TadRon. We both jumped back like 3 feet and shat ourselves simultaneously. Priceless moment.

I want to make one suggestion/request of PC's, though. Park your cars as far from the tavern as possible, please. I don't do this, but I plan on starting now. Having the cars lined up in front of NPC camp/tavern field is kinda crappy, especially when there is a ton of room farther down. Let's make an active effort to park our cars farther away so I don’t' have to have my town atmosphere demolished every time I'm hiding at one of the trees in the dark and see cars everywhere.

I had a great time at the event.

I am super pleased at the effort everyone gave to keep up the in-game atmosphere.

Thanks you staff of SOMI for all your hard work.

This event was awesome. I can't thank the plot team and NPCs enough. I need to send a special thanks to Tank for running so much stuff for Steve and me. I also need to thank everyone who helped to give the tavern and PC cabin the feel they needed; the lighting and in game atmosphere were superb. I had a blast and I look forward to seeing you all at the next event.

I had an amazing time and wish to thank all who helped make this event a success. A few of my Favorites, no particular order:

All things HOG

The Illithid battle was awesome, being the song for the siren was an interesting twist for me.

Getting rezzed on Friday night. Normally that would be seen as a downer, but having a magic eater eat through two wards, then my prison when I was just trying to sleep. Scare factor! :D Another white bead is now gone, I was was sweating through the pull. At least I had someone to Rez with (although I feel sad at the same time for that as well).

Rifting Buddys Rock!

All the great RP interaction with the players.

FULL DRAGON POKER TABLE!! even though I lost all my money Again!

The Treasure Chamber with the warning "Take nothing but the Gem!" Aladin eat your heart out! I loved it, especially the beserking beatdown, the prison trap and the lack of light spells. Made it even more intense. The right in your face key to getting the gem was a nice touch as well.

Alabasters craziness.

The Minataur fight was cool, da Minataur was a machine.

Figuring out loopholes with Sloane. "Upon my honor I will not mention it" ;)

I Can not wait for November!

Matt/aka Maxwell
I know it has been almost two weeks since the event, but I wanted to post anyway. Thank you very much Matt, Josh, Asa and Tank for running this past weekend. I had a blast.

Highlights for me:
---Walking down the road in the dark, looking next to me, and thinking "Is that Josh, why is he here?" then someone asking "who's that" followed by chaotic combat.
---Trying to argue with Asa (Blackclaw) about compassion
---Having a moral debate as to whether or not to attack Asa (Blackclaw) as he dragged an unconscious Ollie outside. Sorry man, I made the wrong choice.
---Fighting Matt 3 times as incarnations of different evil spirits in the Graveyard of the Four Winds to give people more time to solve a puzzle. Talk about fearing for your life.
---Being out side the circle during the illithid fight
---Helping Ollie kill the undead during the illithid fight. Yay confine -->eviscerate!

I really liked the contract magic option being available. I would have liked to have taken advantage of it more, but like others have said, you kept us super busy this event. And believe me, that is NOT a complaint.

I look forward to the season closer in a few weeks!
