I just wanted to say thank you to Tank, Josh, Matt, and Asa for a wonderfully fun weekend. It was one of the most memorable events in a long time. You guys did an amazing job of keeping the entire town busy for the entire marketday. I didn't even have time to feed people, I had to go find them out in the woods to tell them it was dinner time. Thanks also to Doug, and Stevie and anybody else I am forgetting that helped NPC for certain mods. There was a great variety of puzzles, combat, RP, and just all out fear at least for me. It has been a long time since I have been actually scared at an event. And I even rezzed...wow that was intense.
Favorites of the weekend:
Getting beat down and rezzed by a dragon that didnt look like a dragon. Wow that was scary lol!
The don't take treasure mod. Wow was it hard not to take stuff. Not cause of the greed but the phys reps were so damn cool!
The town actually working together.
Actually having info about what was going on personally for once without having to bug Durk, Casan or Stemthie for it. Not cause they won't give it out but I hate asking lol.
Not having a ward to hide behind, and actually making watches again to guard from death in our sleep.
Illithid fight and how cool everything looked.
Signing a death contract to save a certain healer friend 5 mins after coming into game.
All the RP in the tavern, and getting the information. Been a long time since I had to pay that much for good info.
A full dragon poker circle. And Kings always being fail! Wow I had so much fun.
The minotaur!
There are a ton more but leaving room for other people to answer too without giving away the wole event.
Thanks all that ran, you really made me enjoy the weekend. I had the worst Friday I have had in a few years to say the least...but the minute I got to game I forgot it all and had a blast.
And last but not least.....TWO ADVENTURES and a SMOKE FILLED ROOM! Best joke EVER!
Favorites of the weekend:
Getting beat down and rezzed by a dragon that didnt look like a dragon. Wow that was scary lol!
The don't take treasure mod. Wow was it hard not to take stuff. Not cause of the greed but the phys reps were so damn cool!
The town actually working together.
Actually having info about what was going on personally for once without having to bug Durk, Casan or Stemthie for it. Not cause they won't give it out but I hate asking lol.
Not having a ward to hide behind, and actually making watches again to guard from death in our sleep.
Illithid fight and how cool everything looked.
Signing a death contract to save a certain healer friend 5 mins after coming into game.
All the RP in the tavern, and getting the information. Been a long time since I had to pay that much for good info.
A full dragon poker circle. And Kings always being fail! Wow I had so much fun.
The minotaur!
There are a ton more but leaving room for other people to answer too without giving away the wole event.
Thanks all that ran, you really made me enjoy the weekend. I had the worst Friday I have had in a few years to say the least...but the minute I got to game I forgot it all and had a blast.
And last but not least.....TWO ADVENTURES and a SMOKE FILLED ROOM! Best joke EVER!