Thank You


Thank you all.

This last gather we came together and worked as a team to accomplish important things. Every one of you has my thanks.

Maxwell, your healing is ever appreciated. Without you we would never be able to stand against such foes.
Raz's friend whose name I cannot recall, forgive me for my forgetfulness. And thank you for holding the void candle at great peril to yourself.
Grey, Wycliff, and all the others that helped gather runes, thank you.
Frederick, thank you for casting the ritual and closing the portal.
Nyio and Pebbles, your ferocity against the undead is unparalleled.
Kai, without you we never would have obtained the candle.
Shar, thank you for dealing with the totem.
Clock, thank you for lighting the candles against Bleak.
Cenna, thank you for protecting the forest.
Kunzio, thank you for protecting everyone as they see to their tasks.
Lennox, you are a ridiculously capable young adventurer. I look forward to seeing much more of you.
Foss, you are a valuable and reliable ally to these lands. You give so much for a land that is not your own.
Gwen, Garroth, Nommerick, Robert, and Raz, thank you for opening yourselves to the truth at the trial.

For every task, for every deed, though one may be credited, many assisted.
We are stronger as a whole when we work as a whole.

Again, I thank you.

Baroness Ahlana Antaro Silverbane

Anytime you need my blade. Just ask.

Ser Foss Siril of Wayside.