Thanks and Gratitude

I would like to thank those who helped in the destruction of my former master. Were it not for you, his return could have spelled enslavement for me and those of my kind once again. I do also have to thank the Death Jester, for he gave me a warning that you were all about to destroy the City of Night. If not for him, my kind would have faced utter destruction when the City of Night collapsed. The Jesters attempts to drive me to anger and destroy all of you fell on deaf ears as I am not a being that is stupid. My former take over of the City of Night took many of my resources. With the lot of you making allies of Two Factions of my enemies, well, I am not in a position to challenge that yet. I shall go, build up my power and "mark my words" RETURN. This chess match is far from over, so be mindfull of the shadows.

The Nightstalker

We have done work for you a lot in the past. We have made deals with you long before anybody that you deem your enemies. So why you would hold hostility towards us I am not so sure of. You knew we were going to destroy the box to kill the lich. You have spys in every single place in the city. We made our deals within your walls. I am not sure what you are trying to hold against us. There was no "chess match". We did what you told us needed to happen. You said, "Get rid of the box and destroy the lich". You said you would handle whatever else cause that would seal your control. I am sorry if you feel slighted in any way but I am not sure why. Hope to hear from you soon.

Lord TadRon
Guildmaster of HoG
Mr. Nightstalker Sir,

I would just like to say is that you are one very scary being. Especially at night in a very dark room. That's all!
Thank you!

TadRon said:

We have done work for you a lot in the past. We have made deals with you long before anybody that you deem your enemies. So why you would hold hostility towards us I am not so sure of. You knew we were going to destroy the box to kill the lich. You have spys in every single place in the city. We made our deals within your walls. I am not sure what you are trying to hold against us. There was no "chess match". We did what you told us needed to happen. You said, "Get rid of the box and destroy the lich". You said you would handle whatever else cause that would seal your control. I am sorry if you feel slighted in any way but I am not sure why. Hope to hear from you soon.

Lord TadRon
Guildmaster of HoG

Why do I hold hostility? I thought that you had an ounce of clearity about you, apparently I was wrong. You conspired against me with my enemies. You went forward with plans, knowing full well that the destuction of the Lich meant the destruction of the City of Night. You did nothing to warn me of the impending doom to me and my kind. Yes, I did say go ahead and destoy the Lich, but it was without this knowledge of the outcome of those actions. If not for the Death Jester's games we would not be having this conversation. So I hope that you will forgive me if I feel a bit "slighted" by your people's actions.

The Death Jester warned me of my impending doom in hopes that I would be angered and bring death to you all then and there. But he was wrong on how I would react. I am not an impulsive creature as are most of your race. I took the time to secure the safety of my kind first, before making any rash decisions that might have endangered them.

As I said, be mindfull of the shadows.

The Nightstalker

p.s. Yes Silvara, I can be scary.