Thanks for a great event! (Favorites)


Wow what a crazy event, the actual combats were pretty much secondary, although I wish I had a chance to hang with a few more people I was constantly being pulled in a couple of directions. At any rate, some of my favorites from my perspective.

1.) New and old members of the Azure Keep getting together for a real talk on priorities/goals.
2.) Regan's rescue, been awhile since I had to throw a gypsy over my shoulder and take off running.
3.) Dure'dhel's capture, assault, and the subsequent Drama.
4.) Kalin's Sacrifice, the Timing, and all the drama surrounding it (Really didn't expect that to happen ^.^)
5.) Getting to put my CO:Gypsy Relations to good use through out the game.
6.) Kit's Opposition, and what it's going to mean.
7.) The continuing game of Chicken Between Enan, the Knights, and the Duchual authorities.
8.) Bidding Tadron up - Although I would have been okay with paying the 65 gold to be able to add a cloak to our upcoming casting.
9.) The Drama with Foss, and watching all his choices Enan had warned against starting to come do, and trying to figure out how to help him find balance again.
10.) Resurrection of Dure'del, and his reaction to it.
11.) The Epic storms of Magic and Earth (That's where love comes from, dual storms)
12.) The Epic-er defensive wall in front of my storm, nothing short of the Dark Dwarven Leader himself could bring it down.
13.) The out of game jaw dropping bad luck I had with the resurrection system, I had a good twenty minutes of 'well crap' feeling before that sacrifice came through out of left field.
14.) Death Spells and Mr.Benike, Don't know why I just have the desire to death all your npcs, but thanks for taking them like a champ. Side note, I felt reeeeallly guilty when I ran out of life spells later when Goren came out because I had thrown a number of Death spells.
15.) Getting to see and play with a bunch of awesome people after a long week of working, was nice to blow off some steam.
16.) Seeing Tarque back to his old self, Battle leading the one-man army as always ^.^
17.) Lightning and Killit - Dear lord you get those two together and it's like a suicidal pact squad.
18.) Arguing with Raven, I think we both understand what each other is saying, we just disagree on some basic principles (or at least our characters do)
19.) Car ride sing'll leave it at that I think.
20.) Of Course, the new Drama involving his weakness for the Gypsy women, looks like it's finally going to get him into more long lasting trouble ^.^
I had a great time at this event, and I thank everyone for making it so great, especially my fellow NPCs! Here are some of my favorites, in no order:

  • Car ride to the event shennanigans: Sing alongs, Darl, etc. Thanks a bunch for picking me up on the way, guys!
  • Starting the event as Kendra's Elosdi, and escaping town past the tavern just slow enough for the other PCs in the tavern to get a good look... and do nothing about it. :pinch:
  • Talking to Shadow's Light as my dark dwarf civilian was great.
  • Talking with Jehan as my bee keeper. Yeah, we should totally make a Honey-Wax Golem.
  • Entangle-Path mod! It was fun to watch PCs go through the path whilst fighting us off.
  • "You're Badwolf! NO WAY!" My miller fawning over Bad Wolf was super fun, and having him learn how to use a hammer from Bad Wolf was great.
  • Talking to Tadron out-of-game before his group fought Thomas and I's super golems: "I don't even have a weapon." "Yeah, that's the part that scares me."
  • Puddles! The looks on people's face when they came back to the tavern to find my Circle of Water were priceless, and stealing the tavern jug, not to mention chasing Tarqaq due to his poorly thought-out threat, were just awesome. None of that character was planned in any way (given that he was backlash-summoned), and I had so much fun goofing around with him, especially with Tadron and Raven around for me to listen to and mess with. And remember: he's still out there, so you might see him again some day. :thumbsup:
  • Coming in as Bandorian, the extremely racist elf, especially with his conversations with Raven, Kalin, and Maglin. He was so dissapointed to hear that Raven wasn't starting an elven army to take down the other races...
  • Playing the Hag was super fun, even if the heaps of clothing I was wearing made me just boil.
  • Gorka getting paranoid as more and more of Shadow's Light rezzed.
  • "Look, it's Batman!" Brittany knows what I'm talking about. ;)
  • People's excitement over the mini-shield I made. Always fun to see my work appreciated.
  • The look on Regan's face when Brittany offered her more cherry stuff after everyone had just been Berserked via cherries. :funny:
  • Being the All-Cherry Spirit of Rage. Most people interacted a lot with the other spirits and kept their distance from me... except Kendra, who kept getting Berserked. :p
  • Finding Darl on the way back home!

I'm sure there's more that I'm forgetting. Once again, thank you for such a good time, everyone!
First Thank You NPCs and PC alike,

A few favorites,
-chest beard/mane
-sleepy time hat getting spirit linked to Foss
-Oh much trouble from one little gypsy girl, the worst part is its just going to get worse and it started with me rezzing... :huh: Look forward to every moment
-Being angry Kit Friday night...especially Dark Dwarf Family time, thanks Xander
-Going in as Ganavan for 20 minutes to make sure hooks were set and ending up in political discourse for like 3 hours
-Knightly Tears and the final direction that talk went
-Shadows Light Tea Ceremony even if it was cut short and improvised
-Dishonored moment might have been when he refused to eat the plate I got for him until I offered to spit in it
-Half way training Kendra to except hugs
-Rushing after a Gnoll to be asked by Liddia and Tadron what was going on and being like dont worry about it, followed by no I am worried and all that proceded from that...Drive by Amnesia for the win...
-Finally resurrection and obliteration based rp, there was some very quality rp off of this from almost everyone. From Durehdel flopping like a fish, Jehan growling, Kalins Peace, and just so much more. Just a great reminder that even though the combat and plot forms a big part of events in the end..this is live action ROLEPLAY for a reason, Thanks to everyone.

TAG for those in the know ;)
Thanks for coming out guys! Thanks to the NPCs as well, and those that jumped ship to help out on our end.

- The physical look and RP by the Hags. It was exactly what I had in mind for it. Sorry if I scarred anyone for life who actually saw my hag. She is not a lovely person.
- The Pikmin Mandragora mod Sunday morning. Glad you guys liked Artea Withaque; and even offered so nicely to find his marbles.
- Boop. Boop. Boop.
- Multi-deathed anytime I had a cool NPC by Dave G. As much as my guys have defensives, they don’t have enough for 3 consecutive Death spells by one person :p (Cloak….Dodge….blah)
- Finally running the Zodiac Bard mod after 3 events. Hope you folks enjoyed the webbing and “puppeteer spider”
- “We only have a month!?” panic by Shadow’s Light. I’ll be more specific next time guys.
- Suiters/Gias Thornberry RP with town + Eve/Pandora.
- 45 minutes of continuous, non-stop monologue about the balance of Life, growth and death. I’m surprised Alexander and I still had a voice left after that mod.
- After 2 years of playing, I can’t call a correct incant for Dispel and Sanctuary. I blew 2 incants for Dispelling a WoF before I had to ask “Goren” how it was done again.
- “When Bad Wolf looks in a Vampire’s eyes, the vampire gets charmed”
This has been, by far, the most emotionally charged game I've ever been to. It was all fantastic!
-Walking into game and seeing Kendra on the ground. All I thought was 'oh... its gonna be one of THOSE weekends! :hahaha: '
-Finding out Regan got kidnapped and then seeing Enan pick her up and take off with her
-Pile o' kin. Tarqaq and Lightning are so much fun to give head scratchies to
-Everything caused by Enan perming (sorta). I cried! So much good RP came from that
-Sitting in the shadows on the path and accidently scaring Tarqaq into running for the ward in the cabin. I was more scared of you guys rolling me
-Backpacking Lightning with bindomancy and evocation
-Shunning Goren. I was feeling pretty proud of myself till I remembered I needed a spell shield and he threw a death at me simultaneously
-Regan, oh Regan. You broke my poor orc this weekend!
-Kalin getting obliterated to bring back Durhdel and Enan. That was some fine heroics, sir!
-Finally getting to use my CO, too bad it was bad news. Thanks, Ryan, for giving me such a cool description. Sorry I shoved entrails at you, Gorka! At least they dissipated :sweat:
Hey guys,
I had a great time this weekend. This was my first event PCing and I want to thank everyone for being very patient and understanding with me. Everyone did their best to make us feel welcome and helping out me and the guys; identifying items for us free of charge, explaining some of the finer politics of the area, pointers on fighting and making sure none of us died! Special thanks to Lifestorm for looking out for us, Shadow's Light for taking some new adventures on a mode with them and keeping us alive, Kalin, for everything he did for us and of course the NPCs for taking it easy on the newbs
Some favs
-Pissing off Kendra by calling her a "Lady" oh Keeper is going to have fun with that later. lol
-Watching Brittany's expression as me and the guys rushed the Chaos storm. It's was priceless. A look of "Oh Crap!" as four guys wailed on her. Thanks for being a good sport.
-Alexander's elf guy. I really want him to come back so I can screw with him.
-Seeing Raven, Tadron, Kalin coming towards us as undead. I admit I peed myself a little, until Raven explained it wasn't really him.
-The emotional energy with all the resurrections. Really awesome RPing
-Tadron hitting Brittany in the butt and her saying " I don't know want to do about that" and just walking away. lol
-Being drunk in the cabin. I know you guys regret asking us to come in after that.
All in all I had an awesome time. I really enjoyed playing a drunken, rough, thug. I hoped we made you guys laugh and if we offended anyone personal, I apologize and please don't hesitate to call us out on it.
What an amazing event! Thank you to all that made it happen.


~The RP! It just keeps getting better every game.
~The Hags...Ryan you pulled that off to well.
~Enan...Kinda perming. That was intense.
~Kalin's sacrifice. Many, many, thanks.
~The Cherries. I love that some of you just fought for the fun of it...AKA Kendra.
~Getting to lead a mod. I had a wonderful team.
~Alexanders blue monster vis rep.
~The car ride to Chicago when the three boys and I sang along to Disney Princess songs :funny:
~Our car ride Mascot. Who knew snapping turtles could be so cute.
~Kit giving me a talk about the proper Gypsy ways.
~Joining the Defenders of Azure Keep.
~Trusting Kit and Foss only to get abducted and get a mark of Chaos. :pinch:
~Enan webbing me and holding my nose until I drank the Enslavement Antidote.
~Dure'dhel guilt tripping Enan to come out of the ward to help even made me feel bad.
~Kendra declaring that Enan and I are married because I fought him, lost, and he carried me off.
~Trying to prove to Keallit that she should not be on the front line.
~Calling Keallit a delicate flower and getting others to join in.

Oh there are so many more. I can't wait until the next game.
I wanted to thank the Plot team for a fun, exciting, and draining weekend! I am still sore and hobbling around! It was fun to meet new friends, and to hang with old ones! Here are some of my favorites in no particular order:

1) Formally inducting Kendra into our group and the good ole fashioned RP that came with it :)
2) Running around as our Star :)
3) “Its aMAAAAzing!” That’ll teach you guys to let me call the “retreat”!
4) Killing spiders with the new group of fighters in town! You guys did great, I am looking forward to doing more things together, even if you are all drunkards! :)
5) Awkward tea with LifeStorm!
6) Chest Mane!
7) I summon a force to shatter your cherry!
8) Dual Magic/Earth storm goodness, with our shield wall claiming who was doing more damage…I clearly did more damage to our side as much as theirs!!! :D
9) Running around as a greater undead with lackeys in tow, and getting to use them underhandedly.
10) Guilting Enan and Regan out of their ward as the undead, only to circle rez Enan so well he almost didn’t come back…I felt like such a jerk afterwards, but it was the only way :)
11) Kalin’s Sacrifice! Epic!
12) Drama with all the resurrections! I am glad no one perm’ed!
13) Angry rez with Enan…it was the only way to bring back Dure’dhel whole and was exactly what was needed to “refortify” his spirit!
14) Magic Aura or Mandragora? :)
15) Eating cherry pie in front of people after everyone wigged out smiling at the looks of horror they all had. nom!
16) anndd…not sure if it was a favorite, but having everyone in SL rez this weekend except Gorka and the jokes indicating that she would be next :)
WOW just wow...I am still processing the event! Thanks to plot and NPCs for providing a great backdrop for all the amazing RP that went on. Thanks to the PCs for all the IGness I saw and really for so many people getting deeply involved with some of the stuff the plot team has created. Some Favorites:

-First rez about 5.5 minutes into game? 2nd rez 1 hour in, 3 2 hours in... I was getting worried we were in it for a long weekend... and then we totally were.

-EPIC commander beatdown on the Rescue Regan module...I am sorry Ryan B, you are a trooper but you had no chance facing the "no affect/reflect" storm.

-All things Vantage...such an intense PC with great RP loved it.

- Low level crew.. . you guys have both fighting and RP chops, loved the circle rez RP.

-Puddles! as a matter of fact, all things Alexander this weekend, you added the PLAY in role-play this weekend and brought a lot of heart and humor to a grinder of an event thanks for that, when I saw the circle of water I did a double-take with the water jug there. I think this adds depth to the ritual flaw system rather than a meaningless fight.

-The MEC wall during the Haven Fight, so cool to see PCs working together actually working... until Goren came to town and just opened a can of hammer on the PCs... Goren took a death but in dying wound up with a total death count of 5 all told.

-All the rez RP with Kalin/LS/ and friends and the RP which led to it, the huge screaming match he and I were having actually had me in tears.

-The awesome hook by the guest plot team. I loved getting to pin Kalin to my foot and then exploring the island, smack talking with a lich.

- So much more...
Great event! Thanks to the npcs for dealing with me learning on the go. You guys rock. So many good moments, but ill try to keep it short.

-Being Enan's shield while he earth stormed the undead horde. Which brings in the followings mentions.
-Going back and forth with Cleava on which stormer was winning. Trying to get him to make a bet, then watching him decline when a magic storm downed a pc.
-Watching all the pcs run for packets during the ice storms. Looked like the beginning of a dodge ball match every time they had a second to get some.

-Running into the tavern berserk and going straight for Foss because he stole my pie!

-Vantage. Great pc with crazy rping. You know he's good when my group can't make him laugh.

-Res rp. nuff said

-Everything that happened back at our camp. PopTart!
I'm again late (read: "very lazy") with these board posts, but here's my short list of awesome for the sept. event.

-First night in town as a new PC, Jehan says: "You guys wanna do something stupid?"....I swear, it's like he knew!

-Learning group tactics with my drunkard buddies.

-Gorka's training. "You hit good!", "Hold sword different!"

-Gorka vs. Cleava - "Hit me as hard as you can." *WHACK!* "OW! I meant your damage!"....The beet red on Papy's face...

-The shield wall. Particularly when earth and magic ran together to make "MEARTHIC STORMS!"

-Circle beatdown on a death jester! My first scary thing I killed!

-Teaching Vantage how to make jokes.

-Drinking contests.

-Getting complimented by a lot of higher-ups in town.

-My epic dagger save, running full bore behind Keeper.

-Lady El's face when she said, "You have a SHOWER?!?"

So many more but too many to mention! Another huge thanks to everyone who made this another awesome event, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in october!
Alright i admit i have been late on this hahahaha. Thank you plot, NPCs and PCs, for a fun event i enjoyed it all. Only regret was not talking to everyone enough hahah and running on mods with people hahaha

1) Friday Night rescue mission and taking a death from a Vampire hahaha
2) Being presented with my new hammer, had no idea what to say beside laughin. I felt so honored that words were taken from my mouth.
3) Great RP with the stone Elf and playing him in Chess hahaha
4) Being thanked by Jehan himself for the rescue mission and then the knights :)
5) Meeting the Drunk lads and the discussion on Dancing and Friends hahahaha
6)Seeing everyones face again
7) NPC rumors on Badwolf. And teaching the NPCs was a lot of fun and added to my character devolpment which i thank you guys for Alexander and Dave.
8) Puddles was amazing, that Water Elemental was like a puppy and chasing around Tarqaq made everyone in town laugh
9) Watching Tom as the Dark Steel Golem Chase the Dwarf champion Ryan around in the cave fight was amazing and much needed in the Fight, Thank you Durhe'del for controlling that Golem
10) Being a nightmare and talking with my group about their adventures while we waited for the adventurers to get on with the mod
11) The noble talk was good, because i had no idea how things work
12) The RP with Kalins death and everything afterwards was great
13) Running the Cave mod with Maglin, Killit, Lightning, and Regan. That spider was rough and good to find out about cutting the strands or else we would have been up **** creek especially with my hammer haha thank you guys for cutting me out so much

Thanks again everyone for the great time and im sure later ill think of more stuff
Well I'm late in this too-been too lazy to get on the computer! This event was a lot of fun! A lot of intense RP and minimal character breaking-good job guys!! Here's some of my faves:

~Xander pointing out Batman...and no one else finding it as awesome as the two of us did!
~Bugbear love-better watch out, the Mistress is planning....thats all im gonna say :p
~ Xander: "What are you doing?" Me: "Getting more pastrys ready" Xander: "Why? Didn't they all just go berserk?" Me: "Yea, I'm gonna see if they want more" Xander: "THATS SO MEAN!" with a huge smile on his face.
~The look on Regan's face and the unanimous "NO" and Elle stealing the pastrys away from me when i offered them more-I couldn't even keep a straight face!!
~The 3 hags-Xander's shrill voice, Dave's really really saggy boobs, and Ryan's costume in general was fantastic! Love you guys sooo much!!
~Nature Spirit mod-all around fun, i enjoy the puzzle mods more than anything!
~Puddles and how happy he was when he took the giant jug of juice and was petting it in the circle
~Peters stone elf-freaking amazing!! He did such a good job, I cant even put into words how awesome it was!!
~Death Jester fun :-D
~Fighting Lightning 80% of the time! Even if i started out on the opposite side of the field, somehow i would end up fighting him!
~Getting snuck up on by the 4 new fighters in town as my Death Jester-I ran out of evades really quick!!
~Terminating Gorka only to have Foss throw out Shadow stuff and heal her literally 10 seconds later. Darn it Foss!!!
~The emotion in the circle when Kalin rezzed-my NPC i was playing almost cried-very good RP guys!
~The new fighters killing the two baby black bears, only to have Momma bear and another cub come out-Momma Bear was MAD! Hopefully next time they wont slaughter the animals :p

I think thats all i can think of at the moment-definitely enjoyed NPCing with Xander, he had me laughing the whole weekend!! I'm sad that next event all my usuals will be PCing!