Thanks for a great weekend!


Howdy guys and gals,

I just wanted to thank y'all for a great weekend of fun and endless death by boffer -I felt more than welcomed and can't wait for the next game!

Two things really impressed me:

  • The plot staff running mods for both high and low level players, allowing players to actually take initiative and running mods for things they wanted to accomplish, and making sure everyone had something to do this weekend. Y'all are great.
  • The higher level earth caster (I'm so sorry that I never caught your character name) that traveled around with the lower level characters ensuring their safety, lending out personal equipment, but never stealing the spotlight. Props to you! You're awesome.

Here's some of my favorite moments in no particular order:

The adventurers have tracked down Renious the litch and after a hard fought battle have him cowed and trapped. A heated discussion ensues and Jehan is in NO mood to argue.

Jehan: /purify /purify /purify

further “discussion” ensues – a few moments later…

Another adventurer: /purify
Renious: REALLY?!?!
A bunch of bugbears come wandering through the woods looking for food and stumble upon a tavern where adventures are resting.

Bugbear: /spots several Wilderkin
Bugbear: Food! Food! Nom nom nom. /lick lips


Eric Marsters: /charms a bugbear and commands it to defend him
Bugbear: /figures if he doesn’t move he can’t be spotted and proceeds to play “Red Light, Green Light” with the charmed bugbear
The adventures are welcomed to meet with Duke Baron Buckland while he enjoys his lunch.

Duke Buckland: /lifts a piece of bacon from the platters of food before him
Duke Buckland: /looks pointedly at Thud, a Pig Wilderkin, and munches said bacon
Duke Buckland: Mmm, delicious.
The adventures have stumbled upon a massive underground cavern filled with undead that slowly stumble forward to attack after years of confinement.
A skeleton comes toe to toe with Thud and stops in it’s tracks.

Thud: /snort snort snort
Skeleton: /drops over dead
Adventurers: Hey look! Thud oinked him to death! /cheer

Ritual number one hundred and thirty-four has been cast…

Ritual Marshal: Something has gone horribly wrong!
Adventurer: Again?

Can't wait to game with you all again,
James - newbie NPC #4

Apologies in advance for mis-remembering / not remembering character names. ;)
Thanks for all who came out this weekend. It was a blast writing/running plot for you guys and I can't wait for the next event! Just a reminder to send in IBGAs and feedback. Both are greatly appreciated!

While we're listing favorites of the weekend, I'll give a few of mine:

- Foss and Thud's ultimate attack. Foss shoots Thud(as an "arrow") with Thud calling "Prepare to Die-190 slay!" then runs at the rolling ball of bones for the attack.
- Lightning continuing to resite the exact same incorrect combination for the Vault lock 3 times in a row, thus spawning more Golems. Finally having to have Foss hold onto him so someone else could try a different word.
- Always love the interactions between PCs and Artea the Elf. Glad to see you enjoy them too.

- More as I remember. I think a solid night of sleep will let them flow back in.
Well looks like this is where the cool weekend going on's is going to be. First I'd like to thank all the NPC's who came out to be beat up/down. Now on to my list!

  • The AWESOME ritual that was cast on me by my guild leader. Wish I would have thought to record it!
  • Gandian "escaping" the celestial tower to come help with the ritual
  • The whole El/Jahan scene in the tavern. So totally my doing... ^^*
  • Realizing that neither El or Lidia knew about the celestial undead or that I had happened upon them multiple times.
  • "Something has gone horribly wrong!" (Was it 3 or 4 times?)
  • Getting to fight next to Jehan and being able to keep up and therefore not feeling useless!
  • "A hat full of cottage cheese!"
  • I sit up after minute death count is over walk to big bady and Me:"Activate destruction", Big Bady:"got it".
  • Running with my family after the big bady
  • And last but not least...getting to see all my friends again!

I know I'm missing something so might come back with more!


As always, I had a blast. I always look forward to larp weekends for a billion different reasons and the plot staff and NPC's never disappoint. I want to extend a special thanks to the new NPC's who came out to join us for the weekend. It takes some guts to just jump in like that. I hope to see you guys again soon! I had an awesome time role-playing my new character, Lightning, and I also wanted to thank everyone who interacted with/put up with him. Here's a few of the things that I really enjoyed:

- Artea's (with a q) reaction to Lightning. Well played sir.
- Any time Lightning asked "What's that?" Again, thanks for everyone who humored him
- Thud's mystery theater. That mod was a blast
- "This many!"
- Thud singing the damage from his attacks.
- Jeyhan's interactions with Lightning. I hope they meet again soon
- Having no less than 3 people over the weekend tell Lightning that he needs to learn blacksmithing. Probably not gonna happen folks.
- The knights not understanding Lightning's indeference to them.
- Lightning crawling into the cave of rats
- Confusing Alexander's NPC by referring to Enan as the bear
- More as I think of them
This event was an absolute blast! Thank you, PCs and NPCs, for making this event so darn amazing. I had a lot of fun NPCing for a change, and I hope everyone had as much fun as I did. Here are some favorites, in no particular order:

~ Starting the event as Estragon, my newbie adventurer. I was both welcomed and given many suspicious looks.
~ Playing the jerk Magistrate. Sorry for that, Knights.
~ Everything that Thud did. You’re the best, Stephen.
~ Davion’s examinations of my NPCs, since it was fun to could give really in-depth descriptions of spider ichor and arcane bone scarring.
~ Talking with James all about Plot stuff that’s happened over the last couple years.
~ Rifting into the tavern as the first True-Empowered-Backlash Order Elemental, especially since folks weren’t prepared at all for it. Curse that darn Terminate for ending my reign of terror early. ;)
~ Prisoned Eric. :funny:
~ Making the brief appearance as Gandian for Eve’s ritual casting. “I’ve been busy doing paperwork for the Celestial Guild, and they don’t know I’m gone, and I probably shouldn’t be, so let’s get this done quick!”
~ Playing as Hargoran, Renlee’s master. That was a lot of fun, especially when talking to Durk and smirking.
~ “Wyldweaver? I am a weaver myself, Jehan. It’s a fine hobby.” The urge to burst out laughing when Thomas and I caught each other’s eye when I said that as Hargoran was almost unbearable, even though nobody else knows why.
~ The looks on Jehan and Sloane’s faces when Bartholomew Broxton and his guards burst into the tavern as the Haven was cast, as well the rough fight that followed.
~ Silly-O'Clock Earth Guild mod, especially with all the goofy Thud and skeleton antics.
~ Car ride to and fro with Dave, Josh, and Amy. I always have a good trip.

And probably more that I can't remember right now. All in all, thanks again, everybody, and especially Thomas and the rest of the plot team! You might have me NPC another full event later in the year.
Great Weekend and thank you npcs especially the two new guys who were awesome!

A few favorite moments...
Thuds Mystery Theatre start to end
Victory Cheese
Eric caught in a prison :yummy:
Beating Beets
Dissecting the cabins Art...It is a dancing fish/crayfish if anyone wants to know
MWE birthing discussion
All things Artea
and I am sure there is much more but that is off the top of my head...see you guys next time
First I want to thank everyone for being understanding about my need to advance/packet page. It was a small bonus to not have to carry my staff with me all the time. :funny: Secondly I'd like to thank the NPCs for all their hard work and energy. Third, I'd like to thank the plot staff for doing a good job dealing with a higher APL, keeping up with all the mods the players wanted to run, and for dealing with the changes to the schedule the players caused. :thumbsup:

Favorites of the event in no particular order:

Everything to do with Thud's Mystery Theater, including but not limited to, Lightening being loved to the bones of a skeleton, Foss borrowing a slay from Thud by shooting Thud with his polearm from his bow, Thud being ran over by a rolling ball of bones, Thud's throwing skull being stuck to the headless skeleton, Thud snorting a skeleton to death (thanks to Tarque for helping with that, I believe he was the one that actually killed it from behind), Thud's stick being longer than the skeleton's, Kit getting a cure down a skeleton's throat (poor Thomas caught the packet in his open mouth)

The low level mods were great. Pandora used very little healing because they managed to work together so well that so few of them took body damage. Thank you guys for letting me tag along. :D

Nathan and Ryan did a super awesome job running the low level mods on their own, including mods where they had to be the only NPC. It's difficult to be one NPC against 5 to 6 players but they did a great job and kept us entertained. Thanks Ryan for the beets! :lol:

Speaking of that, it was interesting to have a mod where the low levels got to clean up after the high levels. We had to deal with the consequences of the messed up magics in the area due to so many flawed rituals and the flame-bear-pig.

The cup came in handy this weekend. "Activate: cure mortal wounds" "Times 5" "Pit explodes" Yay for the cup destroying a pit all by itself. Also it was fun to use the cup after Thud's Mystery Theater as overkill healing on people that even if they were down to 1 body wouldn't be able to take the full amount of healing. :P

Also thank you low levels for barely using any of Pandora's healing, since apparently that makes her more aggressive against undead. Believe it or not, Pandora actually threw cures as attacks! :noway:

Overall it was a fun event. Thanks everyone for being there!

Player of Pandora
Wow where do I begin? It is very nice to be playing agian after a long and cold winter. I super enjoyed seeing everyone again, especially those of you who traveled out of state to be here. I know that everyone appreceated it, beyond words. There was so much that happened:

- Mystic Birth, ah what happens when the Rom gets involved just makes us MWEs even more raunchy
- Pulling the PCs from different groups toghether to investigate the Euphorias, oh the fun of 21 Jump Street is to come! :yummy:
- "And something has gone Horribly Wrong!"
- Playing the rituals with Daver (Bob) and Paul (Jehan). I am a big fan of roleplaying channeling magic and combing Celestial and Earth was super fun. I also enjoyed the Celestial caster chant while casting Eve's Vengance. Freaking sweet.
- Blowing up and steam rolling Renlee, especially when Bob was like, "What the Hell was that Liddia?"
- All the side role play with the House of Games, I love playing with you guys. All the history between our characters.
- Flame Bear Pig is real!
- The Were wolfs all out at the same time. Nice.
- The mo face when hearing about a magically enchanted Beat.
- Resurections with Ser Selme and when Eric resurected Liddia, best lecture ever.
- The politics of Baron Buckland, hat full of cottage cheese.
- The stone elfs and the lich that followed him home. (can I keep it)

I am sure I will think of others.
It was fun as always playing with you guys.

neoTypic said:
The higher level earth caster (I'm so sorry that I never caught your character name) that traveled around with the lower level characters ensuring their safety, lending out personal equipment, but never stealing the spotlight. Props to you! You're awesome.

By the way, that's Enan (Dave G., out of game). :D Enan may love money, but he loves his group members more. :P

Player of Pandora
Nezumi said:
By the way, that's Enan (Dave G., out of game). :D Enan may love money, but he loves his group members more. :P

Player of Pandora

Thanks much for filling in my memory gap - it was great meeting you as well! Maybe next time we'll get to play more. :)

P.S. Packet page is pleasing to pronounce. :D

Packet page, packet page, packet page...

Don't go starting vulgar rumors like that, everyone knows Enan would sell Tarque into slavery for a pony with a funny looking brand on it's flank.

Let see, what did I enjoy on this most excellent event?

- Hanging with my crew - great fun, Was able to step in, be challenged at time but mostly just tilt the odds instead of combating them directly.
- Lightning - Guy's got spunk, it was great to see how Josh's ideas fused into a believable kin.
- Chip and Tarque - Rarely is it that I see Tarque get bested at his own game. But at the end of silly argument Saturday night, seeing Tarque stick his tongue out only to be matched by chip was hilarious!
- Fun with Buckland, it was great fun to see the plot shift without even throwing a spell, hopefully the knights forgive me eventually.
- First evening, so many private chats, was great to talk to Elle without Enan having an ulterior motive.
- Old Hearth - Sure it was almost all small mods, but it was fun to be so busy!
- Random RP - Teaching Chip how to use an Arcane Armor was one, Talking to Tarque about his past was another.
- Circle dancing with the Order elementals and hearing Pan laugh
- Order Elementals throwing coins on the floor to tempt Enan out, they are smarter than they look!
Thank you Pcs And NPC for making this a great event! Espcially thank you to the NPCs that worked heir butts off, chicago NPCs get a work out, heh.
I was a little rusty, but by then end I had gotten back into the groove, and I was loving it.

-The late night skeletal mod was a ton of fun even though I was dead tired and sore by that time
- I enjoyed playing BoBo the bear again
- running all the old hearth mods, I am looking forward to building a world for all of you
- Players making decisions that we would never have suspected, and us rolling with it, that what makes this game amazing
-Being those order elementals attacking the open rift, it was tough but fun
- Ryan B. first steps into being a plotter, good job man =)
- Alot of the above favorites I agree with
- PC's attempt at trying to run away with monstrous lizard eggs and the ensuing discussion.
Thank you Plot, PCs, and NPCs for the great event! This was only my second time traveling to Chicago and I really had a good time. An extra HUGE thank you to the NPCs. You guys worked really hard and it showed. I was so surprised to find out that at least one of the NPCs was brand new because I never would have guessed that! Also a GIANT thank you to Amanda (Liddia) for going out of your way multiple times both in game and out of game to include us and make sure we were having a good time. Here a a few of my highlights from the event:

The Flame Bear mod. I thought that this mod was statted really well and it was a lot of fun. Rob's costuming was great and I felt challenged but not overwhelmed.
Arch's face when losing so much at dragon poker that he had to throw a ReGen Scroll in the pot.
Troll mod. I really enjoyed the roleplay on the troll mod we went on. That npc did a great job!

Overall I really enjoyed all of the roleplay with all of the PCs and I enjoyed meeting so many diverse characters.

Thanks Again,
Holy cow! Amazing event guys!

Huge props to Thomas for running a fantastic 1st event as Head of Plot! You did an amazing job!!!

NPC's you guys were tireless machines!! Thank you so much for being so dedicated and entertaining us!!

Here were my favs:

Flame Bear Pig Man Chaos Dude Bear Mod: Hands down my favorite of the weekend. Rob played the Bear amazingly, especially with such a dynamic card. Great job! The Elementals / Undead things were also played great! Overall very entertaining, tiring, and SUPER enjoyable!

Kill the Lich Mod: My top RP moment of the weekend. Alexander played the Stone Elf (or whatever he was) fantastic!!! I was so surprised at how calm you remained while I yelled in your face! Just fantastic!!! Thomas playing the Lich was great too! I wish I knew a bit more about his story. I will find out next time!

OMG MORDOCK THE TROLL!!! You were awesome!!! Any Troll who yells "Stop" and tries to make a deal with Adventurers is a great Troll in my book!!!

Dragon Poker: Always fun to play some Dragon Poker, fosho!!

We are gonna try to make it out again later this year, I will make sure to put a post up when we are heading up there. Hope to see you guys at one of our Kzoo events this year!!!

Durk Bloodrune said:
Holy cow! Amazing event guys!

OMG MORDOCK THE TROLL!!! You were awesome!!! Any Troll who yells "Stop" and tries to make a deal with Adventurers is a great Troll in my book!!!

Loved the RP that mod before and after the fight. I'm surprised you guys heard him out...even more that all 7 of you actually stopped attacking. Look forward to more of your 36 dmg calls in the future!
Thorador said:
- PC's attempt at trying to run away with monstrous lizard eggs and the ensuing discussion.

Thanks for reminding me. I meant to comment about that myself. It was highly entertaining and great role-play for a group of kin and humans to try to figure out how to not completely kill off a group of lizards. Pandora's poor jacket. :P

Player of Pandora
Darkcrescent said:
Durk Bloodrune said:
Holy cow! Amazing event guys!

OMG MORDOCK THE TROLL!!! You were awesome!!! Any Troll who yells "Stop" and tries to make a deal with Adventurers is a great Troll in my book!!!

Loved the RP that mod before and after the fight. I'm surprised you guys heard him out...even more that all 7 of you actually stopped attacking. Look forward to more of your 36 dmg calls in the future!

I was surprised too!!! I dont think that Mordock the Troll will be hearing any of my calls in the future! Now the Troll King is another story............ :)