Thanks for coming!!!!


Just wanted ot thank all the crazy people who drove 14 hours to come be there this weekend.... it'd been far too long since I'd seen any of you, and it was great to be able to spend some time with you all again... this was a crazy hectic weekend for me and I wish I could have spent more downtime with you guys, but I just didn't have any!!!

Thanks again, and I'll try to not make it so long between visits.

Tom H
Dammit, Tom beat me to it!

It was a pleasure hosting you at our chapter and our site. I hope you all had as much fun with us as we did with you. Visitors from halfway across the country really make this feel like an Alliance.


Alliance HQ GM
President, Faire Play, Inc.
Hey guys,
I'm echoing the sentiments from both Tom and Scott. You guys added a lot to our game this weekend - thank you so much for driving out. I had an awesome time PCing with you guys, and I hope to see you again soon :)

I know that I had a BLAST!! I can't wait to make a trip out there again. The site was cool, the event was awesome but what was the real treat was all the people. There was a lot of people there who just went out of there way to make certain that me and my crew were having a good time.

Thanks again
