Thanks for the Pick Me up guys!


Everyone said:
That Lurin guy sure is good looking, I mean, what a hunka hunka burning larper

You guys are just toooo much, I'm embarassed, really :oops:
Wow... is everyone on drugs?


oh well...
This shouldn't be just a thread to compliment Dave! It should be another warm fuzzy post! I'll go first!

Justin.....Whoever likes you, I bet has a really good reason! ;)
Its true!

She does...
I'm a good person! Oh... she means Tonya...
Not even... she meant Kiersten...

she's new ;-)
Haha. You've never met me, sweetie! I could just be a good rp writer and suck at Live RP... you never know. ;)

But you are silly and sweet. So thank you and you rawk!
But Kheri writes Marcey awesome IG. So I deduced great RP either way. And I think that you have great fashion sense for a gypsy! ;)
I'm glad you added that last part...
You would be.....which...I hell, I'm out of warm fuzzies with your name on it...I better go back to the underworld to look up some more!
They HATE me down there...
its a coverup...

they must have something new worked up so they want to lure me back in ;-)
That's preposterous! Oh! And they sent me back with this Mercedes and box of Krispy Kremes, just because, they said.
Thankfully I'm over the whole Krispy Kreme thing...

Mercedes though... huh... drive it out to the next event and we've got a deal...
I don't like the Mercedes. Don't do a thing for me. If hell wants me back, they're gonna have to come out with something a bit better than that.