That one thing you bought.


Chief Publicity and Digital Content Officer
New Hampshire Staff
Hey Alliance,

We're going to launch a blog on the Alliance website soon and I want some feedback from our players.

We all that "one thing" that we have purchased that made out lives as players easier. Maybe it was a piece of costuming, or some other prop. It could be something we use OOG to help organize ourselves or our teams. I want to know what that one thing is for you. Feel free to leave a reply below or send me a PM if you want to keep it a secret.

I'll start!

My one thing is a very nice leather backpack that I purchased a few years after I started playing (more than 15 years ago). I found it useful to have a single place in my home where I could easily store all of my "stuff" for my character. It also helped to be able to put my first costume change for Friday night into that back when I was packing so I could just throw by duffel or suitcase under my bunk and jump into game faster.

What about you?

Let me know!

Chair Alliance PR and Marketing
Baseball card organizer sheets for use in a binder to categorize my tags. Super cheap, ultra effective. Downside is, of course, that it isn't in-genre in any way.
Good quality hiking boots. Warm, good tread, and waterproof. For the longest time I used in period looking boots, but they honestly if I could go back and change one thing it would be to just use nice hiking boots instead regardless of how they look.
Climbing clip to secure water container. Much less dehydration.
I got a set of nice long underwear that are thin and made to go under clothes. So much more comfortable at winter games, especially at night, and means I don’t need winter-specific garb.
Good quality hiking boots. Warm, good tread, and waterproof. For the longest time I used in period looking boots, but they honestly if I could go back and change one thing it would be to just use nice hiking boots instead regardless of how they look.
Footwear is huge.
I also can not stress the importance of good footwear, socks and boots!

But for me it was the thick wool cloak i made. Larping in Canada means it can be cold for most of our summer season, we play in snow every year.
These are all so great. Thank you everyone so far!

I will DEFINITELY stress footwear. My game life got so much better when I found a good pair of boots.
This is more of a between game than at game thing, but each character has a bin (or bins) where everything for that character lives. It just makes it so less stressful to prep for game and easier to transport to game if everything is stored together.
I have a large wicker chest with a cushion on top where I keep most of my primary character's garb, equipment, and deco. It doesn't look at all out of place either in my cabin at game or in my living room the other 98% of the year. Plus it gives me somewhere to sit in a cabin even if there are no benches or the bunks are low clearance.
A faux fur mask made by a friend who has been making masks for pretty much forever. I have always been self-conscious about my admittedly terrible makeup skills, plus it always took so much time. I can’t even begin to say how many Sundays I just noped on because it wasn’t worth the effort.

The mask has literally been a game changer for me.

Good quality hiking boots. Warm, good tread, and waterproof. For the longest time I used in period looking boots, but they honestly if I could go back and change one thing it would be to just use nice hiking boots instead regardless of how they look.

Same but period shoes with vibram soles. Specifically these latchet shoes. Although I do have a pair of big, stompy waterproof hiking boots for winter events.

Also, the biggest game changer was when my buddy Josh introduced me to reflectix. It's an insulation material that is basically bubblewrap covered in mylar, but it is the perfect answer to sleeping warm in cold weather primitive events because a layer of it in your sleeping pad bounces all your bodyheat back instead of soaking it into the ground, while weighing nothing. 10' by 24" rolls are ten bucks.