The 10% Project !

Hello all! As of late I have had a number of people approach me on ways to improve their costuming. Usually they are thinking they want a full costume change and upgrade. While sometimes that is a great way to go, it can get both expensive and time consuming--- a complete gown that I make can take from a couple weeks to several months to complete and more money than I wish to think about. Not to mention frustration lol

In the SCA we all aim for the 10% project to stay sane. This project runs off the desire to improve the Society as a whole ,as well as the individual , with out too much time and financial strain.

It is the idea that each member of the SCA improves their personal kit by 10% each year..... Maybe a new wool coat, maybe a new piece of armor, maybe a new hand embroideries, maybe new boots, a new period camp chair- whatever you need and will improve the overall look of your persona and the Society as a whole. It is a way to make marked improvements without great strain :)
My 10% last year was period camp chairs and a period sunshade!

I thought maybe anyone who wants to do the 10% project in Alliance could help encourage each other and offer assistance if we can!

My 10% this year in Alliance- removing non period drinking bottles and cups from my area and personal use--- and a bonus bringing my own period feast gear for use in the tavern:)

Anyone else wish to say if they plan to do the 10% project and how they plan to?

For a good while, I've had a mental image of Silp's outfit being covered in a multitude of makeshift patches, as if he only has one set of clothes and keeps repairing it himself when it gets torn (and knowing Silp, it gets torn fairly frequently, and knowing Silp even more, the patching isn't particularly masterful). So for now, I think I'm going to just steadily add assorted patches to his outfit more and more until he looks particularly ramshackle (probably between 2-4 patches each event).

It's fun to play around with savage character costuming after having a high-class character for so long, especially since it caters to my love of patches!
Are you planning to keep them all found fabric or could in theory characters gift Silp pieces of fabric as we see he might need them?

Silp would be perfectly open to whatever fabric he could find/get, as long as the color looks nice with his outfit and doesn't clash.
I can just see Silp telling the stories of how he got the holes for each patch: "This is from getting punched by a skeleton... And this one is from getting stabbed by one of the red-and-white king's Nights... And this one is from tripping over a stump..."
I like it. I know I don't PC Chicago (yet!) but I'll jump in here anyway.

Briar's last big update was my new leather doublet. I have no idea what the next step is but it probably involves finding new ways to integrate vines and flowers into his costume, as I'll no longer have the leather scale armor to weave the vines through.

GRONK gets more armor. Always. :p Also I need to get him some warm weather garb so I can actually tolerate playing him when it's warmer than 40 degrees out.
For Asher, I seem to pick up something new every game I play him, which has been a lot of costuming be it shirts/robes/pants/wigs/makeup. I'll try to go 10% this year, but it's likely not going to happen. Especially when everything I get for my PCs is used for my NPCs, and vice versa. I need to just stop buying :)

I would personally love to see more IG drinking cups. You can pretty much find something at a Goodwill for $1-$2 easily. The more IG the common Tavern area is the better, especially since that hub will be the main place for hook/happenings next year.
I'm addicted to additional costuming, I habitually commission a few new pieces each winter. I love the ten percent idea, but I never manage to do it as I like to do one or two key pieces to set a character up then add to it. (for example I have the armor, weapons and shield reps for my new MWE but still haven't "finished" the costume ^.^.)
I do not have a costuming obsession ... Not at all....
I see '10% Project' and immediately wonder who's working to first-time perm more characters. :p
Yeah, that's the first thing that I thought of with the title... the staff's quest to see how many people can 10% perm in a season...